
Version 1.5.4 seems to have a problem when searching the pages in a wiki. Moin generates an error while searching the files within the wiki data folder.

[Errno 20] Not a directory: '../data/pages/current/revisions/99999999'

This error is reproducible on two separate servers (same wiki data though). When conducting a Full Text Search on Version 1.5.4, an IO Error Appears

Describe the bug...

Steps to reproduce

1. Installed Moin 1.5.4 from tar.gz using the and according to installation instructions on Moin Wiki site. Edited /usr/share/moin/server/moin.cgi to point sys.path.insert to /etc/moin. Placed edited versions of and in /etc/moin. Started editing pages. 2. Attempted to perform a full text search (not title) on keywords known to exist in certain pages. Get the following error:

[Errno 20] Not a directory: '../data/pages/current/revisions/99999999'

If you want to report a bug, please save this page and attach it to your bug report.






Have not found a workaround.


Are you sure you have setup your data path of your wiki instance (following the example of instance creation that is named mywiki to make it clear). It looks like you have set data path in wikiconfig to the default data which is used for installations and does not have any pages. What gives

ls -lrt /var/www/moin/cfiwiki/data/pages/

if it's the right dir does it belong to the right user and group of you servers process?

-- ReimarBauer 2006-08-09 17:25:00

A solution has been found. Creating a new data folder from the tar.gz data folder and then copying the contents (one-by-one) from data/pages. Made sure data/user was also copied. In the data folder on both systems, there was a current and edit-log file. Don't think they should be there. Not sure how they ended up there. But once they were removed, the problem went away.

-- James Bruce 2024-05-18 10:47:23

Hmm, might be related to the rootpage code



MoinMoin: MoinMoinBugs/TextSearchErrorWithDataFiles (last edited 2007-10-29 19:20:36 by localhost)