Attachment ''


   1 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
   2 """
   3     MoinMoin - RecommendPage Action Macro
   5     PURPOSE:
   6         This macro is used to recommend a page to an other wiki user.
   8     Syntax:
   9         http://localhost:8080/WikiName?action=RecommendPage
  11     PROCEDURE:
  12        You get two lists, one with groups and one with users of those where you can
  13        send the recommendation.
  14        This is then stored on a page named WikiName/RecommendedPage as an wiki
  15        itemlist with the link and the first five lines in plain text.
  16        At the end your user SIG is written.
  17        A new entry is always written on top of the page.
  18        The persons are informed by an email notification about the changes.
  19        If you don't select anything the recommendation is done to your name.
  20        Please remove the version number from the filename.
  23         @copyright: 2005 by MoinMoin:ReimarBauer
  24                     2009 by Anita Ludermann [anita(at)ludermann(dot)de]
  25        2005-04-21 : Version 1.3.4-3
  26                     output changed into calling ShortText()
  27                     e.g.  * ["RulesForUnzip"] [[ShortText(RulesForUnzip)]] ... @SIG@
  28                     it is also checked by now if acls are enabled in the config
  29        2005-09-02 : Version 1.3.5-4
  30                     from SubscribeTo by Raphael Bossek learned to add an
  31                     subscription for the email notification for a user before
  32                     the new recommendation is written to the file.
  33                     This means the user gots informed by an email.
  34        2005-09-05 : Version 1.3.5-5
  35                     isSubscribedTo from user replaced because it could not
  36                     destinguish between subpage and page. My implementation
  37                     does not understand regular expressions at the moment so
  38                     this gives by using regular expressions one extraline
  39                     in the config.
  40        2005-09-07 : Version 1.3.5-6
  41                     text box changed to a selection menu for the user names (sorted by name)
  42        2005-09-08 : Version 1.3.5-7
  43                     bug fix: spaces in html are different in browsers 
  44                              in some browser no selction did not give the user name
  45        2005-10-31 : Version 1.3.5-8
  46                     multiple selection added
  47                     no acl rights are set on a new recomendation page acls on
  48                     an existing recommendation page not overwritten
  49                     non admin users could use this function too.
  50                     code changed by a version request to be useable
  51                     with 1.5.0, too
  52        2006-02-03 : Version  1.5.1-9 1.3 compatible code removed
  53                     bug with wrong counted bad user fixed
  54        2008-01-11 : Version 1.6.0-10 refactored for 1.6
  55        2009-04-01 : Extended for groups by Anita Ludermann
  57 """ 
  58 # Import the required modules
  59 from MoinMoin import wikidicts, wikiutil, user
  60 from MoinMoin.Page import Page
  61 from MoinMoin.PageEditor import PageEditor
  63 def RecommendPage(request, pagename, username):
  64     '''
  65     Function: to produce the recommended pages
  66     @param request: the request object
  67     @param pagename: name of the page which should be recommended
  68     @param username: name of the user who gets the recommend
  69     '''
  70     err = None
  71     name = "%(username)s/RecommendPage" % {"username": username}
  72     page = PageEditor(request, name)
  73     # If the current user may write on this page, he can recommend it
  74     if request.user.may.write(name):
  75         if user.getUserId(request, username) is not None:
  76             uid = user.getUserId(request, username)
  77             recom_user = user.User (request, id=uid)
  79             subscription_list = recom_user.getSubscriptionList()
  80             isSubscribedTo = 0
  81             for test in subscription_list:
  82                 if test == name:
  83                     isSubsribedTo = 1
  85             if isSubscribedTo == 0:
  86                 recom_user.subscribe(name)
  89         newtext = u" * %(pagename)s]] <<ShortText(%(pagename)s)>> ...\n %(username)s\n" % {
  90                  "pagename": pagename,
  91                  "username": "@SIG@"}
  92         # If the page does not exist yet, the user may make it.
  93         if not page.exists():
  94             PageEditor.saveText(page, newtext, 0)
  95         # If it already exists:
  96         else:
  97             body = page.get_data()
  98             meta = page.get_meta()
  99             text_meta = ''
 100             for command, attrib in meta:
 101                 text_meta = '#%s %s\n%s' % (command, attrib, text_meta)
 103             text = "%s\n%s\n%s\n" % (text_meta, newtext, body)
 104             PageEditor.saveText(page, text, 0)
 105     # The user is not allowed to write on this page:
 106     else:
 107         err = "Can not write"
 108         return err
 110 def select_users(request, pagename, selected_groups, selected_users):
 111     '''
 112     Function: to get a list of all users who get the RecommendPage without doublication 
 113     @param request: the request object
 114     @param pagename: name of the page which should be recommended
 115     @param selected_groups: all selected groups
 116     @param selected_users: all individually selected users
 117     '''
 118     # Search for all users in all selected groups
 119     for groupnames in selected_groups:
 120         user_group = wikidicts.Group(request, groupnames)
 122     # Saving users in list "selected_users"                   
 123     for name, valid in user_group.items():
 124         # Every user gets only ONE recommend
 125         uid = user.getUserId(request, name)
 126         user_object = user.User(request, uid)
 127         if user_object.exists():
 128             if valid and not name in selected_users:
 129                 selected_users.append(name)
 130     selected_users = [name for name in selected_users if name != u'']
 131     return selected_users
 133 def execute(pagename, request):
 134     '''
 135     action dispatcher.
 136     @param request: the request object
 137     @param pagename: name of the page which should be recommended
 138     '''
 139     _ = request.getText
 140     actname = __name__.split('.')[-1]
 141     # Is the user registered and may read the page?
 142     if request.user.valid and
 143         thispage = Page(request, pagename)
 144         if request.form.has_key('button') and request.form.has_key('ticket'):
 145             if not wikiutil.checkTicket(request, request.form['ticket'][0]):
 147                 return thispage.send_page(msg=_('Please use the interactive user interface to recommend pages!'))
 149             # The selected users are shown
 150             selected_groups = request.form.get('groupname', [u''])
 151             good = []
 153             selected_users = []
 154             selected_users = request.form.get('username', [u''])
 155             good = []
 157             if selected_users[0] != u'':
 158                 for username in selected_users:RecentChanges
 159                     i = 0
 160                     if len(username.strip()) == 0:
 161                         username =
 162                         selected_users[i] = username
 163                         i += 1
 164             elif selected_groups[0] == u'' and selected_users[0] == u'':
 165                 selected_users = []
 167             # Members of each group will be stored and reviewed on duplication
 168             if selected_groups[0] != u'':
 169                 addressees = select_users(request, pagename, selected_groups, selected_users)
 170             else:
 171                 addressees = selected_users
 173             for username in addressees:
 174                 uid = user.getUserId(request, username)
 175                 user_object = user.User(request, uid)
 176                 if
 177                     err = RecommendPage(request, pagename, username)
 178                     if err is None:
 179                         good.append(username)
 181             # "Good List" -> page is sent to this users
 182             msg = "recommended to read %(pagename)s to %(this_user)s" % {
 183                   "pagename": pagename,
 184                   "this_user": ' '.join(good)}
 186             request.theme.add_msg(msg, "info")
 187             thispage.send_page()
 188             return         
 190         # All groups are shown
 191         isgroup =
 192         groupname = request.rootpage.getPageList(user='', filter=isgroup)
 193         html_group = []
 195         for group in groupname:
 196             html_group.append("<OPTION>%(name)s</OPTION>" % {"name": group})
 197         # The list with groups depents on the group's strength
 198         html_group.sort()
 199         n = min([3, len(html_group)])
 201         # All users are shwon
 202         users = user.getUserList(request)
 203         html_user = []
 204         for uid in users:
 205             name = user.User(request, id=uid).name
 206             uid = user.getUserId(request, name)
 207             user_object = user.User(request, uid)
 208             if
 209                 html_user.append("<OPTION>%(name)s</OPTION>" % {"name": name})
 211         # The list with users depents on the user's strength
 212         html_user.sort()
 213         n = min([3, len(html_user)])
 215         formhtml = '''
 217 <table class="dialog">
 218 <tr><td><form method="post" >
 219 <strong>%(querytext)s</strong>
 220 <BR>
 221 </td></tr><tr><td>
 222 <select name="groupname" size="%(len)s" multiple>has_key
 223 %(option_group)s
 224 </select>
 225 </td><td>
 226 <select name="username" size="%(len)s" multiple>
 227 %(option_user)s
 228 </select>
 229 </td><td>
 230 <input type="hidden" name="action" value="%(actname)s">
 231 <input type="submit" name="button" value="%(button)s"></td></tr>
 232 <tr><td><BR>
 233 (no selection recommends to: %(user)s)
 234 <input type="hidden" name="ticket" value="%(ticket)s">
 235 <p></td></tr></table>
 236 </form>''' % {
 237     # The Variables are determined
 238     'querytext': 'Recommend page to',
 239     'actname': 'RecommendPage',
 240     'ticket': wikiutil.createTicket(request),
 241     'option_group': ' '.join(html_group),
 242     'option_user': ' '.join(html_user),
 243     'user':,
 244     'len': n,
 245     'button': 'Recommend'}
 246         # Page is sent
 247         request.theme.add_msg(formhtml, "info")
 248         thispage.send_page()
 249         return

Attached Files

To refer to attachments on a page, use attachment:filename, as shown below in the list of files. Do NOT use the URL of the [get] link, since this is subject to change and can break easily.
  • [get | view] (2009-04-03 10:40:51, 10.0 KB) [[]]
  • [get | view] (2005-11-01 12:31:56, 4.3 KB) [[attachment:RecommendPage.png]]
  • [get | view] (2010-10-29 09:08:16, 5.3 KB) [[attachment:TraceBack.html]]
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