Attachment ''


   1 """
   2     MoinMoin - VisualSiteMap action
   4     Idea is based on the action.
   6     More or less redid it from scratch. Differs from the webdot action in several ways:
   7     * Uses the dot executable, not webdot, since webdot is not available on windows.
   8     * All links up to the search depth are displayed.
   9     * There's no maximal limit to the displayed nodes.
  10     * Nodes are marked during depth first visit, so each node is visited only once.
  11     * The visit method in class LocalSiteMap gets the whole tree as parameter.
  12       That way additional treenode information may be shown in the graph.
  13     * All edges between nodes contained in the graph are displayed, even if MAX_DEPTH is exceeded that way.
  14     * Optional depth controls
  15     * Nodes linked more then STRONG_LINK_NR times are highlighted using the STRONG_COLOR.
  16     * Search depth is configurable.
  18     Add the following line to your (apache?) webserver configuration:
  19       Alias /moin_cache/ /var/cache/moin/
  20     See CACHE_URL and CACHE_DIR below.
  22     Add this to your stylesheet:
  23     img.sitemap
  24     {
  25       border-width: 1;
  26       border-color: #000000;
  27     }
  29     The following settings may be worth a change:
  30     * DEPTH_CONTROL
  31     * OUTPUT_FORMAT
  32     * DEFAULT_DEPTH
  33     * MAX_DEPTH
  34     * LINK_TO_SITEMAP
  36     07.10.2004
  37     * Maximum image size can be configured
  38     * Output image format is configurable
  39     * David Linke changed the output code (print() -> request.write())
  40     * Changed link counting algorithm to get the depth controls right.
  42     08.10.2004
  43     * IE caching problem with depth controls resolved. Now the current search depth is part of the file names.
  44     * Problems with pagenames containing non ASCII characters fixed.
  46     14.03.2005
  47     * cleanup & adapted to moin 1.3.4 -- ThomasWaldmann
  48     * Fixed for utf-8 and sub pages
  50     16.3.2005
  51     * included patch from David Linke for Windows compatibility
  52     * FONTNAME and FONTSIZE
  53     * removed invalid print debug statements
  54     * use config.charset
  56     19.08.2014
  57     * Cleanup & adapted for moin 1.9.4
  58     * Changed default output type from PNG to SVG.
  59     * Use configured category regex instead of separate setting.
  60     * Configurable: node links point to the VisualSiteMap of the target node (instead of its wiki page).
  61     * Fixed FS/URL escaping inconsistency for pagenames with special characters.
  62     * Enabled DEPTH_CONTROL by default.
  64     01.09.2015 - v1.10
  65     * escape xml-Entities in URLs (this broke svg output)
  66     * fixed a python3-incompatibility (old octal number format)
  67     * tested with moin 1.9.8
  68 """
  70 ##################################################################
  71 # Be warned that calculating large graphs may block your server! #
  72 # So be careful with the parameter settings.                     #
  73 ##################################################################
  75 # This should be a public path on your web server. The dot files, images and map files are created in this directory and
  76 # served from there.
  77 #CACHE_DIR  = "C:/DocumentRoot/cache"
  78 #CACHE_URL  = "http://my-server/cache"
  79 CACHE_DIR  = "/var/cache/moin/"
  80 CACHE_URL  = "/moin_cache"
  82 # Absolute location of the dot (or neato) executable.
  83 #DOT_EXE    = "C:/Programme/ATT/GraphViz/bin/dot.exe"
  84 #DOT_EXE    = "/usr/bin/dot"
  85 DOT_EXE    = "/usr/bin/neato"
  87 # Graph controls.
  91 # nodes are linked their sitemap (instead of their wiki page)
  94 # Optional controls for interactive modification of the search depth.
  96 MAX_DEPTH  = 4
  98 # Desired image format (eg. png, jpg, gif - see the dot documentation)
  99 OUTPUT_FORMAT = "svg"
 101 # Maximum output size in inches. Set to None to disable size limitation,
 102 # then the graph is made as big as needed (best for readability).
 103 # OUTPUT_SIZE="8,12" sets maximum width to 8, maximum height to 12 inches.
 104 OUTPUT_SIZE = None
 106 # Name and Size of the font use
 107 # Times, Helvetica, Courier, Symbol are supported on any platform.
 108 # Others may NOT be supported.
 109 # When selecting a font, make sure it support unicode chars (at least the
 110 # ones you use, e.g. german umlauts or french accented chars).
 111 FONTNAME = "Times"
 112 FONTSIZE = "10"
 114 # Colors of boxes and edges.
 115 BOX_COLOR = "#E0F0FF"
 116 ROOT_COLOR = "#FFE0E0"
 118 EDGE_COLOR = "#888888"
 121 import re
 122 import os
 123 import subprocess
 125 from MoinMoin import config, wikiutil
 126 from MoinMoin.Page import Page
 128 # escape special characters for XML output
 129 try:
 130     # python 3
 131     from xml import escape as xml_escape
 132 except ImportError:
 133     # python 2
 134     from cgi import escape as xml_escape
 137 class LocalSiteMap:
 138     def __init__(self, name, maxdepth):
 139 = name
 140         self.maxdepth = maxdepth
 141         self.result = []
 143     def output(self, request):
 144         pagebuilder = GraphBuilder(request, self.maxdepth)
 145         root = pagebuilder.build_graph(
 146         # count links
 147         for edge in pagebuilder.all_edges:
 148             edge[0].linkedfrom += 1
 149             edge[1].linkedto += 1
 150         # write nodes
 151         for node in pagebuilder.all_nodes:
 152             self.append('  "%s"'%
 153             if node.depth > 0:
 154                 if node.linkedto >= STRONG_LINK_NR:
 155                     self.append('  [label="%s",color="%s"];\n' % (, STRONG_COLOR))
 156                 else:
 157                     self.append('  [label="%s"];\n' % (
 158             else:
 159                 self.append('[label="%s",shape=box,style=filled,color="%s"];\n' % (, ROOT_COLOR))
 160         # write edges
 161         for edge in pagebuilder.all_edges:
 162             self.append('  "%s"->"%s";\n' % (edge[0].name, edge[1].name))
 164         return ''.join(self.result)
 166     def append(self, text):
 167         self.result.append(text)
 170 class GraphBuilder:
 172     def __init__(self, request, maxdepth):
 173         self.request = request
 174         self.maxdepth = maxdepth
 175         self.all_nodes = []
 176         self.all_edges = []
 178     def is_ok(self, child):
 179         if not
 180             return 0
 181         if Page(self.request, child).exists() and not, child):
 182             return 1
 183         return 0
 185     def build_graph(self, name):
 186         # Reuse generated trees
 187         nodesMap = {}
 188         root = Node(name)
 189         nodesMap[name] = root
 190         root.visited = 1
 191         self.all_nodes.append(root)
 192         self.recurse_build([root], 1, nodesMap)
 193         return root
 195     def recurse_build(self, nodes, depth, nodesMap):
 196         # collect all nodes of the current search depth here for the next recursion step
 197         child_nodes = []
 198         # iterate over the nodes
 199         for node in nodes:
 200             for child in Page(self.request,
 201                 if self.is_ok(child):
 202                     # Create the node with the given name
 203                     if not nodesMap.has_key(child):
 204                         # create the new node and store it
 205                         newNode = Node(child)
 206                         newNode.depth = depth
 207                     else:
 208                         newNode = nodesMap[child]
 209                     # If the current depth doesn't exceed the maximum depth, add newNode to recursion step
 210                     if depth <= self.maxdepth:
 211                         # The node is appended to the nodes list for the next recursion step.
 212                         nodesMap[child] = newNode
 213                         self.all_nodes.append(newNode)
 214                         child_nodes.append(newNode)
 215                         node.append(newNode)
 216                         # Draw an edge.
 217                         edge = (node, newNode)
 218                         if not edge in self.all_edges:
 219                             self.all_edges.append(edge)
 220         # recurse, if the current recursion step yields children
 221         if len(child_nodes):
 222             self.recurse_build(child_nodes, depth+1, nodesMap)
 225 class Node:
 226     def __init__(self, name):
 227 = name
 228         self.children = []
 229         self.visited = 0
 230         self.linkedfrom = 0
 231         self.linkedto = 0
 232         self.depth = 0
 234     def append(self, node):
 235         self.children.append(node)
 238 def execute(pagename, request):
 239     _ = request.getText
 241     maxdepth = DEFAULT_DEPTH
 242     if DEPTH_CONTROL and request.values.has_key('depth'):
 243         maxdepth = int(request.values['depth'][0])
 245     if maxdepth > MAX_DEPTH:
 246         maxdepth = MAX_DEPTH
 248     baseurl = request.getBaseURL().rstrip("/")
 249     def get_page_link(pname, to_sitemap=LINK_TO_SITEMAP, **kwargs):
 250         if pname is None:
 251             pagelinkname = r'\N'
 252         else:
 253             pagelinkname = wikiutil.quoteWikinameURL(pname)
 254         if to_sitemap:
 255             link = "%s/%s?action=VisualSiteMap" % (baseurl, pagelinkname)
 256             for key, value in kwargs.iteritems():
 257                 link += xml_escape("&%s=%s" % (key, value))
 258         else:
 259             link = "%s/%s" % (baseurl, pagelinkname)
 260         return link
 262     request.theme.send_title(_('Visual Map of %s') % pagename, pagename=pagename)
 264     wikinamefs = wikiutil.quoteWikinameFS(pagename)
 265     fnprefix = os.path.join(CACHE_DIR, '%s_%s' % (wikinamefs, maxdepth))
 266     dotfilename = '%s.%s' % (fnprefix, 'dot')
 267     imagefilename = '%s.%s' % (fnprefix, OUTPUT_FORMAT)
 268     mapfilename = '%s.%s' % (fnprefix, 'cmap')
 269     imageurl = '%s/%s_%s.%s' % (CACHE_URL, wikinamefs, maxdepth, OUTPUT_FORMAT)
 271     lsm = LocalSiteMap(pagename, maxdepth).output(request).encode(config.charset)
 273     os.umask(0o22)
 274     dotfile = file(dotfilename, 'w')
 275     dotfile.write('digraph G {\n')
 276     if OUTPUT_SIZE:
 277         dotfile.write('  size="%s"\n' % OUTPUT_SIZE)
 278         dotfile.write('  ratio=compress;\n')
 279     dotfile.write('  URL="%s";\n' % get_page_link(pagename, to_sitemap=False))
 280     dotfile.write('  overlap=false;\n')
 281     dotfile.write('  concentrate=true;\n')
 282     dotfile.write('  edge [color="%s"];\n' % EDGE_COLOR)
 283     dotfile.write('  node [URL="%s", ' % get_page_link(None, depth=maxdepth))
 284     dotfile.write('fontcolor=black, fontname="%s", fontsize=%s, style=filled, color="%s"]\n' % (FONTNAME, FONTSIZE, BOX_COLOR))
 285     dotfile.write(lsm)
 286     dotfile.write('}\n')
 287     dotfile.close()
 289[DOT_EXE, "-T%s" % OUTPUT_FORMAT, "-o%s" % imagefilename, dotfilename])
 290[DOT_EXE, "-Tcmap", "-o%s" % mapfilename, dotfilename])
 292     # show the image
 293     request.write('<center><img class="sitemap" border="1" src="%s" usemap="#map1"/></center>' % imageurl)
 295     # image map for links ("img" does not enable svg links)
 296     request.write('<map name="map1">')
 297     mapfile = file(mapfilename, 'r')
 298     for row in mapfile:
 299         request.write(row)
 300     mapfile.close()
 301     request.write('</map>')
 303     if DEPTH_CONTROL:
 304         linkname = wikiutil.quoteWikinameURL(pagename)
 305         links = []
 306         if maxdepth > 1:
 307             links.append('<a href="%s">Less</a>' % get_page_link(pagename, depth=maxdepth-1))
 308         if maxdepth < MAX_DEPTH:
 309             links.append('<a href="%s">More</a>' % get_page_link(pagename, depth=maxdepth+1))
 310         request.write('<p align="center">%s</p>' % ' | '.join(links))
 312     request.write('<p align="center"><small>Search depth is %s. Nodes linked more than %s times are highlighted.</small></p>' % (maxdepth, STRONG_LINK_NR))
 314     request.theme.send_footer(pagename)

Attached Files

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