This is a class that maintain a blacklist or white list. Using it with SecurityPolicy, its easy to lock out spamers and other bad guys from editing pages or allow only few ips out of your network, or whatever you like.

Whats new


Note this blocks ips and not bad links. Before you use IP BlackList, please check AntiSpamGlobalSolution, which might be more effective against LinkSpam, and is auto updating from BadContent. This black list is useful to ban IP's or whole networks. Be careful not to block the good guys.


  1. Download the package: blacklist-2004-07-22.tgz

  2. Before you try to use it - run the test to see that it works on your system - run make test from the release directory.

  3. Copy the package blacklist into the moin config directory or anywhere in Python sys.path (you can add to the path in moin.cgi). I use this scheme because I need it to admin a wiki with ftp access to the wiki directory.

Addresses file or wiki page

First put the address or netblocks to block in a text file, using common text format or a nice wiki formated list as you like:

= Blocked addresses in this wiki =

A nice touch would be to add the ip of anyone (probably a robot) who tries to edit this page 
without having admin ACL rights (this text is ignored by the blacklist reader). 

 *  # single address
 * # netblock using CIDR notation
 * # netblock using old style format # You dont have to use wiki list format if you don't like to
# this address is ignored
And so is this line and the next
... stuff

How to use in - tested with moin 1.1 only:

   1 # Add to moin config
   3 # Security policy
   4 # Tested only with moin 1.1
   5 try:
   6     import cPickle as pickle
   7 except ImportError:
   8     import pickle
   9 from blacklist import blacklist
  10 from MoinMoin import security
  13 class SecurityPolicy(security.Default):
  14     def __init__(self, user):
  15         security.Default.__init__(self, user)
  16         self.loadBlacklist()
  18     def edit(self, pagename, **kw):
  19         """ Extend the default edit permissions """
  21         # blacklist only non users
  22         if not self.user.valid and hasattr(self, 'blacklist'):
  23             # Needed for moin 1.1 compatibility
  24             if not hasattr(self.user._request, 'remote_addr'):
  25                 import os
  26                 self.user._request.remote_addr = os.environ.get('REMOTE_ADDR', '')
  27             # Blacklist
  28             if self.user._request.remote_addr in self.blacklist:
  29                 return 0
  31         # Use standard permissions
  32         return security.Default.edit(self, pagename, **kw)
  34     def loadBlacklist(self):
  35         """ Load data from file or wiki page """
  36         import sys
  37         blacklistFile = 'blacklist.cache'
  38         try:
  39             self.blacklist = pickle.load(file(blacklistFile))
  40         except (IOError, OSError, pickle.UnpicklingError), why:
  41             # Read the data from a text file, or better from 
  42             # a wiki page.
  43             sys.stderr.write('load blacklist failed %s:' % str(why))
  44             text = file('blacklist.txt').read()
  45             self.blacklist = blacklist.BlackList(text)
  46             try:
  47                 pickle.dump(self.blacklist, file(blacklistFile, 'w'))
  48             except (IOError, pickle.PicklingError), why:
  49                 sys.stderr.write('cache blacklist failed: %s' % str(why))

Note that in moin 1.2 you should print through the request object, and not through print or sys.stderr.write . I still did not test this code with 1.2.



  1. Update the cache whenever the text file changes
  2. Save the blacklist on a wiki page, and update the cache when this page is saved
    • If both wiki page and text file are avaiable, which one to use?
    • What about a wiki with ACL disabled? a wiki page with no ACL is not good
    • This can be done by using SecurityPolicy save method, and checking for the page named BlackList

  3. How to merge this with moin code:
    • ipv4 module could go into util package
    • blacklist module could go into the security package (need to create one, maybe with ACL?)
    • SecurityPolicy class should have built-in hook for blacklist loading, this code is currently in moin_config.

  4. Extend the class to do content filtering/blackisting when saving pages. Both text and address can be saved in one file/wiki page or in too different files. The current code use if '' in blacklist, but we can make address matching method and text matching method like:

       1  #This can be built in in SecurityPolicy:
       3  if hasattr(blacklist, addresses) and self.request.remote_addr in blacklist.addresses:
       4      # prevent edit/read etc.
       6  if hasattr(blacklist, text) and pagetext in blacklist.text:
       7      # prevent save or filter out bad text etc.
       9  class AddressFilter:
      10      def __contains__(self, address):
      11          # basicly what BlackList.__contains__ does now...
      13  class TextFilter:
      14      def __contains__(self, text):
      15          return
      17  # And BlackList will be a composite of these classes and will feed them with data from 
      18  # text file/ wiki page etc. Then we can add more filter types if needed, and from the admin 
      19  # point of view its just a `blacklist = BlackList(page='BlackList')` and fill that page 
      20  # with data.
  5. A way to update the blacklist from a blacklist server
  6. A way to update the server with new bad texts or addresses - so one moin wiki that spammed will notify all other moin wikis automatically.
  7. An automated message to search engines about link spammers.


MoinMoin: BlackList (last edited 2007-10-29 19:13:49 by localhost)