Searching on Page Categories

Currently there is no way to accurately match pages in a given category, even Page.getCategories searches a whole page for links and consequently returns many false positives (where a page contains a link to the searched category but is not actually in that category).

With AddCategorySearchTerm.patch applied to 1.3.4, I can accurately list all pages in CategoryFoo using the macro PageList(category:Foo). The category membership algorithm is quite intelligent, and counts a page as being in a category only if the last '\n----\n' delimited section contains only words matching \bCategory\w*\b including the searched for category.

We should have a better way to define page meta data, using the current category format is a very poor way and adding a search method for this is a waste of time. -- NirSoffer 2005-07-25 10:07:23

Agreed. Most of the code for handling page metadata is already there in the attachment management. All that is needed is to name the attachment that contains the metadata, and settle on a format for it. What about RFC2822 standard header format? That done, a more generalised page metadata search term would be a very worthwhile addition IMHO. -- GaryVaughan 2005-07-25 12:00:23

CategoryFeatureRequest CategoryMoinMoinPatch

MoinMoin: FeatureRequests/AddCategorySearchTerm (last edited 2007-10-29 19:06:20 by localhost)