Advanced Search with multiple mimetypes

On MoinMoin 1.9.8 the <<AdvancedSearch>> macro (used on FindPage) supports selecting multiple mimetypes but it seems it doesn't work as one would expect. (I haven't find any documentation on this feature and so I can't say if it is a bug actually.)

If you select only one mimetype the search is successful. But if you select multiple mimetypes, which is possible with Ctrl + click, you get an error message saying that the search query didn't return any results. (I tested this on this MoinMoinWiki.)

The problem is analogue to FeatureRequests/AdvancedSearchWithMultipleCategories but it relates to selecting multiple mimetypes. -- rpr 2015-01-19 18:46:14

In general, supporting OR is not strictly necessary, you can usually get all what you wanted to find by running multiple searches instead of one with OR.

Supporting AND for mimetypes makes no sense, as an item is always only in one mimetype class.


MoinMoin: FeatureRequests/AdvancedSearchWithMultipleMimetypes (last edited 2015-01-22 20:47:14 by ThomasWaldmann)