Use the Regex Policy Daemon as antispam backend

I've written a small dameon which manages lists of regular expessions an can filter content against them.

For MoinMoin it could be used for..

What problems will be solved?

The current Antispam...

Is this features useful to most users or just to specific users?

The wiki needs to be able to connect to a rxpd, preferably locally running, but a remote rxpd would work too. Since it is intended to be a peer to peer system it will benefit from more users using it.


I will modify '' to an '' which then is an drop in replacement to use rxpd. My intention is to offer an alternative to the current antispam system, not a new replacement. I would appreciate any help for the python part. Contact me on 'cehteh'.


MoinMoin: FeatureRequests/AntispamRXPD (last edited 2007-11-06 08:15:35 by pipapo)