Short description

If we use AttachList or AttachFile on a page with attachments we have currently view defined that way that an image is in its full resolution shown.

I do prefer that action renamed to preview and the image shown as preview because if I like to get it in full size I could use the action get too. I dislike the scrollbars if it's a large image or other document. Perhaps we could use ImageLink to link to the full size image too.

With changeset 1952:8ab85e3711dc of 1.6dev EmbedObject is used for viewing other mimetypes too. So pdf, sound and videos files could be viewed too. They are shown in a preview size using defaults of EmbedObject. I have currently no idea how to easy determine sizes for all mimetypes. -- ReimarBauer 2007-04-06 19:38:02


MoinMoin: FeatureRequests/AttachFileActionViewRenameToPreview (last edited 2007-10-29 19:13:27 by localhost)