Choice of GUI editors

Being a Konqueror user, I thought that 'GUI Mode' was some sort of specialized markup text (that's how it was displayed - lots of strange text in a textarea) until I accidentally used Firefox and got a full editor. Hmmm...

It would be useful to have / be able to specifiy a choice of editors when setting up moinmoin, that worked with the different classes of browsers, specifically Konqueror. Even better if this were autodetected from the browser ID and it launched the appropriately configured editor. Note that this is NOT something to refer to KDE nor fckedit developers, but to moinmoin's the addition of a configuration option for a choice / choices of GUI editor that would be useful.

This would be useful to all users, particularly if editors could be specified by administrators - this will make moinmoin extensible and future-proof.

(!) We use the same javascript code as FCKeditor uses internally for detecting browser compatibility. Maybe try it on and if it also works wrong there, file a bugreport at FCKeditor development.

Yes, but that's not really the point - detection is not the problem, it's not providing a choice of GUI editor that is.

You already have that choice. Check editor_default and editor_ui in HelpOnConfiguration.


MoinMoin: FeatureRequests/ChoiceOfGui (last edited 2008-03-18 00:24:50 by JohannesBerg)