Delete All Attachments from a Page

I have one with more than 30 images, and having to delete 1 by 1 its a boring task

Usefull for Cleaning pages, renewing, cleaning quickly Gallery temp files

Just for specific users than have uploaded to many images as attachments

First Step

/!\ This is an extremely dangerous thing as currently there is no revert for attachment delete. Thus, this is unlikely to get into moin distribution. Putting it on actions_excluded solves nothing, because then you can't use it. If you remove it from ations_excluded, everybody could use it...

A workaround for this is to use the Firefox Extension DownThemAll and set the filter to do=del, so that all delete links are being "clicked".

(!) Another workaround using Firefox is to use the middle mouse button to open the del links in the background.


MoinMoin: FeatureRequests/DeleteAllAttachments (last edited 2009-09-04 17:02:30 by ThomasWaldmann)