Short description

When using the "Render as DocBook" feature attached image files are referenced by their location on the server, but this location does not include the actual domain name. So what you get is:

<imagedata fileref="/cgi-bin/moin.cgi/manual?action=AttachFile&amp;do=get&amp;target=logo.gif"/>

whereas you need the full url for most transforms to properly include the images in transformed output. This would be much more desirable:

<imagedata fileref=";do=get&amp;target=logo.gif"/>

This feature should be useful to all users who render their pages as DocBook and then convert the DocBook to other formats and want their attached images included. The workaround is to write a simple subsitution script that fixes the urls, but this adds to the complexity of the process and isn't always practical.


MoinMoin: FeatureRequests/DocBookImagedataIncludeDomain (last edited 2008-03-18 00:41:11 by JohannesBerg)