(!) An initial version of the EventCalendar macro and parser in this proposal is added to MacroMarket. You can see the detail and discuss it in MacroMarket/EventCalendar

This is a new MoinMoin macro for event calendar (similar to MonthCalendar macro). The development is based on the MoinMoin MonthCalendar macro but it is a litte bit different from MonthCalendar. It is targeted to the one of PIM.

Feature (done)

To do list

Platform Support

at least add some tests with firefox and maybe opera

Sample & Screenshot


-- SeungikLee 2005-10-27 01:29:04

-- SeungikLee 2005-10-27 01:51:46

Of course XML suck for data entry. But you may use wiki markup, for example:

== Event Name ==
Event description...
 start:: 2005-10-25 14:00
 end:: 2005-10-28 20:00
 foo:: bar

This markup is automatically rendered in a meaningful way:

Event Name

Event description...

2005-10-25 14:00
2005-10-28 20:00

You can parse this data using a special event formatter, that ignore everything but heading level 1, paragraph, text and definition list. When you format you page with such formatter, it can produce a list of events objects, each with name, start, end, foo and description. Check how MoinMoin/formatter/pagelinks.py works. I think this will be the easiest way to parse your data into format you can use. Then pickle your event data in the page cache directory. Next time you need to read the page data, use the cache. Check how Page use this system to create a pagelinks cache - Page.getPageLinks, Page.parsePageLinks.

-- SeungikLee 2005-10-29 18:26:31

Use page content, not a file.

Why use both data file and a wiki page?

I tried your event test page. It is not clear how you should work with it. I learned by trial and error that each #!eventcal is an event, and I guess you use the date~date as start and end date.

I suggest you write a specification that describe what kind of activities you want to support, and how people should do common tasks. For example, how one should add an event, change event data like start date, end date etc. It is hard to test the implementation when you don't know what the system should do :-)


MoinMoin: FeatureRequests/EventCalendar (last edited 2008-03-18 00:52:44 by JohannesBerg)