Pages included by Include macro should not appear in OrphanedPages

I use the page OrphanedPages to check for pages that are unused. However, the list contains a lot of pages that have been included or are referenced by included pages.

I suggest that an orphaned page will be a page that no other page links to or includes. That would make the real "orphaned" pages easier to find.

This feature would be useful for all users that use the Include macro. Apart from this, I think most users would expect this behaviour in OrphanedPages.

Related to this. Pages that are included don't return useful (expected) results when searched as linkto:IncludePage. I think the code that generates the pagelinks file in the cache should be smart enough to recognize the standard macros that take Wiki page links as parameters.

Perhaps, it might just be able to add the parameters to the text it indexes looking for CamelCase links. I mean when will a macro parameter be a CamelCase word and completely, totally unrelated to a WikiPage in the Wiki?


MoinMoin: FeatureRequests/ExcludeIncludedPagesFromOrphanedPages (last edited 2007-10-29 19:19:04 by localhost)