This is a Suggestion (I didn't find a WishList) worth to talk about:
Wiki pages can also serve to develop code in a cooperative way. Such code can be handeled in two ways within a Wik page:
1. Attachment:
- Pro: You can download the latest version and have all the other versions available
- Con: You don't see the code until download. Changes are not reported in detail by subscribers. Space consuming.
Possible solution in this approach: Have an macro display attachments within the page (inline attachment). Restricted to text and (already working) pictures.
2. Preformatted text { { { ,,, } } }
- Pro: All the wiki goodies are available, subscribers get all the changes.
- Con: You have to copy and paste to save a copy of the file.
Suggestion: Have a download button (optional) with preformatted text blocks.
{{{<filename=code.c> // This file can be saved as "code.c" using right mouse button -> save as.
#include <stdio.h> int main( ) {
- return 0; }
I guess I'll 'second' this request. We're trying MoinMoin for documentation in our IT department, where we have a lot of scripts, config files, and other small text files that we use and modify. I'd like to be able to see the changes to these files, but be able to handle them more like attachments. Maybe a better feature would be plaintext attachment revisions and diff'ing. DavidParsley - 9/5/2006
I will 'third' this request. It would make shareing code much nicer. (Attachments work, but it is difficult for people to make small changes.) MichaelMcNeilForbes - 29 March 2007
Duplication of FeatureRequests/ExportFileAction. And see action Save on (thats our 1.6 dev testwiki) -- ReimarBauer 2007-03-30 06:40:26