Short description


broken links

In 1.x we can upload a file and link to the file afterwards. Also we can create a link to a file and upload it afterwards. If we don't upload we have a broken link.

Also if we create a page and write a camel case name on that page, this can link to an unexisting page. If we never create that page the link is broken.


no broken links

I would prefer a different workflow. If one starts with a new item which don't link to anything he can save it directly. If it links to a non existing item, he needs to add this item with saving the just created item. Or he needs to remove the link before he saves. If he don't solve the problem he can't save. While it can't be saved it can be stored in his personal "prieview backup cache".


RenatoSilva - That's a nice idea, but I think sometimes one may find this annoying. For example, you are a member of a community-driven wiki and have no time to create the required page, so you leave the broken link for someone else doing it later. Also, people would workaround it by creating empty pages, which would have the same effect of a broken link, and with the disadvantage that you can't check if the page content exists or not by just looking at the link. Therefore I would rather add some config for toggling this feature, like allow_broken_links or so. About the default value, I would try to make a poll to know what's the most common scenario. Another option, which I think may work better, is showing warnings on page saving, something like:

CategoryFeatureRequest CategoryForMoin2

MoinMoin: FeatureRequests/LinkLogic (last edited 2010-01-24 19:07:41 by RenatoSilva)