Short description

Why is it necessary to have the two buttons Login and CreateProfile in the UserPreferences for a probably new user?

If a new user fills out the form it happens regular that he/she doesn't read or understand the button CreateProfile and presses Login with the result all the entries are deleted and not to get an account instead. Login could be interpreted in this case as CreateProfile if all the forms were filled out right and not a user with the same name already exists.

Probably a separation between Login and CreateProfile would be better to understand.-- ReimarBauer 2005-05-10 16:00:46

Login, create profile and setting preferences should be separated, and use the theme for displaying dialogs. -- NirSoffer 2005-05-11 13:21:23

/!\ As of moin--main--1.5--patch-487 Login and Create is separate.

See also UserPreferencesRedesign


MoinMoin: FeatureRequests/LoginCreateProfile (last edited 2007-10-29 19:10:19 by localhost)