Short description

Some of our wiki's do use an Introduction page for giving hints and this page is included into the FrontPage. We ussually explain the wiki concept and why a user wants to login on that page, showing him/her the <<Action(login)>> link. If the user logs in using the action login on that included page he jumps from the Frontpage to the Introduction page. That is the correct behaviour. If the user uses the normal login action on the top of the theme he/she knows already a bit more about how the wiki works and don't need the Introduction page. For a first time user our Introduction page is useful but with the missing redirect to the FrontPage it behaves different to the login of the theme.

Anyway I would like to have an additional keyword to the actions for redirecting a user to another page (redirect=u''). -- ReimarBauer 2009-01-23 08:52:54


MoinMoin: FeatureRequests/LoginLogoutNewaccountShouldBeAbleToRedirect (last edited 2009-01-23 08:59:27 by ReimarBauer)