Short description

If two people share one computer (or you have two accounts) then if the first one logs out the second one gets access to the last read page of the first one.

Some facts related to this:

So the suggestion from me is to just use the workarounds proposed above until we fix the rendering behaviour. -- ThomasWaldmann 2008-08-14 15:06:47

Not directly related to this, but just for illustration:

For some time we had strange login stuff. You needed to go to page UserPreferences to log in. There were also feature requests to jump somewhere after login (and maybe we even did this for a while). But it was just an annoyance. E.g. if you followed a link to SomePage and that page was acl protected, you needed to go to UserPreferences page and then return somehow to SomePage. Redirecting to FrontPage after login was just annoying as you didn't want to see FrontPage, but SomePage. All this was solved by making login an action and not jump around (except for the one case when user explicitely requests a last-visited-page jump in userprefs). Without URL change, you go to SomePage, oops access denied, login action, and directly see SomePage after login. Much easier.


MoinMoin: FeatureRequests/LogoutShouldLoadFrontPage (last edited 2008-08-14 15:06:48 by ThomasWaldmann)