Multi-language pages

Maybe it would be nice if Moin supported multi-language pages. For example, CategoriaCategoria could be used as translation of CategoryCategory for more than one language. There would be no need to find alternative names (which sometimes are weird, like CategoriaPáginaDeCategoria).

   1 #multi-lang
   2 #master-page CategoryCategory
   3 #format wiki
   5 #language it
   6 Italian content.
   8 #language pt
   9 #master-revision:10
  10 European Portuguese content.
  12 #language pt-br
  13 #master-revision:20
  14 Brazilian Portuguese content.

In the above example, #multi-lang tells Moin that the page CategoriaCategoria is divided by #language instructions. All content before the first #language is common to all. When the user requests that page, he will be able to pass some parameter like lang=it to tell Moin from which language to retrieve the page content. If such parameter is none, by default Moin will use request.lang, then request.cfg.language_default, then the first language declared.

Actions like raw and edit would continue to behave the same way, the user would see all the page content. It would be nice though if the lang parameter worked together with these actions. For example, MultiLangPage?action=raw&lang=it would return only the Italian version.

CategoryFeatureRequest CategoryForMoin2

MoinMoin: FeatureRequests/MultiLanguagePages (last edited 2010-01-22 00:00:44 by RenatoSilva)