
Currently, it hard to input a non-breakable space character (nbsp) unambiguously. While you can input U+0x00A0 directly, some editors (and browsers) have difficulties to handle it correctly. The workaround in MoinMoin 1.3.4 is to use  , but numeric SGML entities might be disabled by the wiki admin.

I suggest to provide, similar to groff, an escape sequence (a backslash followed by a space) to enter nbsp. This is fast to type and easy to remember. Another possibility (which needs more keystrokes though) is to allow named SGML entities like  .


Adding named entities like   should be very easy to implement and more readable than to most users (typical user never used groff). If non breaking space was very common, I would go with the shorter , but for something you use only once in a while, better use a verbose markup.

Its not clear why numeric entities is configurable option, I don't see any reason to disable it. If nobody has a clue, I suggest we remove this option. -- NirSoffer 2005-06-03 23:16:55

Spaces within links should be non-breaking by default. I can find no way to correct the following from the editor:

This is a box with text in it to see if non-breaking spaces are possible in links.

-- 2007-03-21 22:30:50

I'm not sure its a goode idea for all users. I prefer links that flow naturally like any other text instead of text with holes where links jump to the next line. Anyway, if you want to get this result, write a macro that emit nbsp between the link words.

[[NBLink(page name with spaces)]]

Quick implementation (untested):


Dependencies = [] # static

def execute(macro, args):
    if args is None or args.strip() == '':
        # hint for the the editor
        return macro.formatter.text('[[NBLink(?)]]')

    from MoinMoin.Page import Page
    pagename = args.strip()
    page = Page(macro.request, pagename, formatter=macro.formatter)
    nonBreakingText = pagename.replace(' ', u'\u00A0')
    return pange.link_to(macro.request, nonBreakingText)

-- NirSoffer 2007-03-25 00:36:47

MoinMoin: FeatureRequests/NonBreakableSpace (last edited 2007-10-29 19:10:18 by localhost)