Short description

We have a requirement from the boardroom level to email all changes and entries to the wiki to a particular address. However, an additional requirement is the emailed contents be encrypted or hashed, in the interest of maintaining confidentiality. The motivation for this plan is to provide a 3rd party time stamp (given by the email header) on all content changes/additions/deletions/etc. The board would be satisfied if even just a one-way hash was performed on the emailed contents (sha512, for example), as opposed to complete encryption via, say PGP or Serpent. I can put in a temporary hack which automatically performs the hashing for a particular email address. However, to preserve the modularity of MoinMoin, I was hoping a plug-in of some sort for this capability could be incorporated into the project.

Thanks in advance.

You may be interested in kuvert kuvert A wrapper that encrypts or signs outgoing mail -- ReimarBauer 2008-05-25 23:00:20

(!) moin 1.7 has event handler plugins (in this case the "page changed" event could be hooked).


MoinMoin: FeatureRequests/NotificationEmailsWithEncryptedOrHashedContent (last edited 2008-05-30 18:51:19 by ThomasWaldmann)