Protect a wiki and give users a hint

I want to be able to protect a wiki for editing and also give users that visit a page a note.

I could imagine that this could be done with a configuration value or with a special page, Maybe

  1. protect_wiki="1"
  2. protect_info="WikiProtected"

So similar to license info link to a page that tells the user what happens to this wiki and why it can not be edited. One could also think if it maybe would be nice to be able to only display this one page, no m,atter what pages is accessed. So this would also be some kind of read protection. Now I do this with ACL and display a message on the FrontPage. But I think this is not very elegant.

I would prefer a more common name to explain what it does e.g. disable_editing="1". This could be an alternative for acl_defaults All:read. In the past it was easy to remove the write right from pages to get it external controlled (That was not the best solution at all). Instead of the protect_info does a theme like modern_cms which does not have any editing function shown gives more flexibility? Additional a second var like enable_new_users="0" is then needed too, to disable user creations. -- ReimarBauer 2006-08-09 17:16:46

I use a theme hack in my wiki - done from the wiki config file. I disable editing with acl and replace the editbar with a yellow bar that says something like "this wiki is locked for maintenance".

It would be nice to have configuration options like:

locked = True
locked_reason = u'why this wiki is locked'

Or maybe even easier (but less secure) - do it from an action e.g. ?action=lock&reason=no%20wiki%20for%20you!. Unlock with unlock action.

-- NirSoffer 2006-08-10 03:35:26


MoinMoin: FeatureRequests/ProtectWiki (last edited 2007-10-29 19:12:05 by localhost)