Add default description to RSS feed entries for changes made without comments.

Users often changes pages and save them without adding a description comment for their changes. RecentChanges RSS feed entries that reflect such changes end up lacking a description element. For RSS feeds, this means that the only capability for such an entry to is to allow the user to follow a link to the page diff. When such a feed is aggregated into an Atom feed, the feed entry becomes essentially useless as it contains no user-clickable links.

The following simple patch for action/ (based on version 1.5.2) creates a default description for feed entries with no comment description:

***      2006-06-11 19:10:08.000000000 -0400
---   2006-06-11 19:13:22.000000000 -0400
*** 172,177 ****
--- 172,179 ----
          if desc_text:
              handler.simpleNode('description', desc_text)
+         else:
+             handler.simpleNode('description', 'View <a href="%s">diffs</a> or the <a href="%s">full page</a>.' % (link+'?action=diff', link))
          # contributor
          edattr = {}

The default description includes two links, one to view page diffs and one to view the full current page. This makes the feed entries vastly more useful for aggregated wiki feeds.


MoinMoin: FeatureRequests/RssDefaultDescription (last edited 2007-10-29 19:12:33 by localhost)