Attachment ''


   1 ---	2006-04-18 20:56:56.000000000 +0200
   2 +++	2006-04-22 09:12:29.340658000 +0200
   3 @@ -674,7 +674,19 @@
   4                  type="password", size="32", name="password",
   5              ),
   6          ])
   7 -
   8 +        
   9 +        txt="""
  10 +<form>
  11 +    <input type="radio" name="RememberFor" value="0.25">15min
  12 +    <input type="radio" name="RememberFor" value="2">2h
  13 +    <input type="radio" name="RememberFor" value="4">4h
  14 +    <input type="radio" name="RememberFor" value="10">10h
  15 +    <input type="radio" name="RememberFor" value="168">1 week
  16 +    <input type="radio" name="RememberFor" value="87600" checked="87600">always
  17 +</form>"""
  18 +        
  19 +        self.make_row(_('Remember me'), txt, valign="top")
  20 +        
  21          self.make_row('', [
  22              html.INPUT(
  23                  type="submit", name='login', value=_('Login')

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