Request: Show Exact Title Matches First

Basically, allow Search to provide some of the benefits of Go To Page

Often there are pages you go to often that would be nice to get to easily. If the page name is short, it will often generate lots of matches, and the page you're looking for may be buried in that list. This is a case where you really need the "Go To Page" functionality... but that requires the extra steps of clicking the FindPage link, and going to the bottom of the page.

We have multiple examples on our wiki. Here are examples on this wiki:

  1. Search for "MoinDev"

  2. Search for "MoinMoinBugs"

  3. Search for "MoinQuestions"

I'd like to suggest providing the "best of both worlds" in the Search function. If a single-word title search is performed, and there is an exact match, place that page at the top of the list. Search matches currently sorted by number of matches and by match type - title matches get much higher rank than text matches.

Note how Google search for MoinDev returns MoinDev as first result, while MoinMoin search does not :-).

Small issue: what about this search? Seems like MoinMoin should be on the top of the list. In this case, we have page with 2 matches, each matching half of the page name. Similar results can be for Moin + Bugs search.


MoinMoin: FeatureRequests/ShowExactTitleMatchFirst (last edited 2008-11-12 11:11:35 by MarcelHäfner)