Short description

I work for a company that has a large amount of data on our Moin wiki. Often, users want to be able to search only branch of the wiki, for example, just the Engineering branch, or just the KnownIssues branch, where each branch is defined by having a top level page. We've got enough data that most searches return a large number of hits and the signal to noise ratio is getting pretty small.

Ideally, there would be a checkmark next to the search widget that said "search subpages" and only subpages of the current page would be searched.

The #1 complaint of our wiki is that it's "not easily searchable", and this would go a long way in solving that problem (along with people organizing and titling their pages better). I think this feature would be useful to most wiki users on most wikis, I even felt myself wanting this feature when trying to cearch the moin moin wiki for current feature requests.

Thanks, Bernard


MoinMoin: FeatureRequests/SubPageSearch (last edited 2009-01-25 16:15:43 by DennisBenzinger)