If a pages gets renamed it is not subscribed any more

I have renamed a page and lost my subscription. -- ThiloPfennig 2006-03-30 11:54:14

Subscribing to a page means I want to follow what happens to that page. But nowadays i loose the connection if it gets "renamed" (maybe wikification) or moved (new hierarchy).

The resolution of this problem is useful for all users who make content.

The question wouild be how to handle this subscriptions

1. I think its nice to be able to subscribe to a page by regular expression 1. OTOH a page is something unique. So maybe we would need some kind of ID attached to each newly created page?

Maybe we can use the mechanism of regexes for the subscription process but have actual subscriptions also as a list of unique page IDs. Or maybe it is easier if a renaming will cause a rewrite of a subscription in the users subscription list? Maybe that can be done on login? Maybe a user should get mail if he wants to keep subscription? Just my thoughts, I think we have a problem here.

Yes, this is a problem (as links to that page are a problem, too). Earlier moin versions solved that problem by not offering rename at all.



MoinMoin: FeatureRequests/SustainableSubscriptions (last edited 2007-10-29 19:11:58 by localhost)