Make TWikiDraw (TWD) save SVG

/!\ This is important for TWD users: without this feature implemented, we maybe have to drop TWD support when we merge the new storage backend.

(!) See also: FeatureRequests/TWikiDrawPluginUpdate, should be done first.


The current TWikiDrawPlugin we use saves up to 3 files:



We need only the .draw file in the attachment path. All the other files could be provided using the cache action.

/!\ No, we only need the .svg - because that is our single authoritative (future) source of all information. PNG and MAP information can be generated from the SVG and stored in the sendcache. .draw will be completely useless as soon as twikidraw can read from svg.




We need some way to convert from draw/map/png to svg.

On the fly


You need to touch every drawing to migrate all your drawing data to be just a single SVG file. Thus, maybe the convertor is the better idea.

One-time conversion

For converting everything in one go, a automatic tool reading draw/map and writing svg would be needed.

It either would have to do everything on its own (JAVA possible), or be in Python, so it could be called by the migration script framework.


MoinMoin: FeatureRequests/TWikiDrawPluginWithSVG (last edited 2008-11-16 12:06:51 by ThomasWaldmann)