Allow new Wiki creation and deletion through an administrative web page

I'd like the ability to create and delete new MoinMoin Wiki's from an administrative web page.

It's not too much work for me to do so as the system administrator as I have a script which prompts for the parameters which change most frequently in However, I'd like to simplify it still more and allow some of the users for whom I'm creating wiki's to create and delete wiki's and to modify their's through a web interface in my absense. Our wiki's are used by instructors where each instructor's course is assigned it's own wiki. -- MarkFriedman

MakeWikiScript could be a start. -- TheAnarcat 2006-01-13 21:39:34

I would strongly second the need for a Web based admin of Wikifarm maintenance and Wiki configuration (logo, default theme, etc.). MakeWikiScript does what probably many have hacked together in a couple of minutes. The dependence on the command line use hinders adoption by many people. I am in an environment where VM appliances rule. I.e. if there is a pre-configured machine with say a wiki/CMS/..., that is being adopted. Others are simply not considered.


MoinMoin: FeatureRequests/WikiAdminGUI (last edited 2009-01-20 11:56:22 by va-ip)