Attachment ''


   1 #!/usr/bin/python
   2 import email, sys, os, re, glob
   3 from email import Message
   4 from email import Header
   6 pagesdir = "/var/www/wiki/data/pages/"
   7 prefix = "Email(2f)"
   9 def handle_message(mail):
  10 	subject = ""
  11 	text = ""
  12 	attachments = []
  13 	if mail.has_key("Subject"):
  14 		[(s,e)] = Header.decode_header(mail["Subject"])
  15 		if e:
  16 			subject = unicode(s, e).encode("utf8")
  17 		else:
  18 			subject = s
  19 	if mail.has_key("Date"):
  20 		[(d,e)] = Header.decode_header(mail["Date"])
  21 		if e:
  22 			text = text + "## Date: %s\n" % unicode(d, e).encode("utf8")
  23 		else:
  24 			text = text + "## Date: %s\n" % d
  25 	for part in mail.walk():
  26 		# skip multipart parts...
  27 		if part.is_multipart():
  28 			continue
  29 		# get content and filename if present...
  30 		ct = part.get_content_type()
  31 		fn = part.get_filename()
  32 		# handle plaintext content
  33 		if ct == "text/plain":
  34 			# get and decode
  35 			t = part.get_payload(decode=True)
  36 			if part.get_charset():
  37 				t = unicode(t, part.get_charset()).encode("utf8")
  38 			else:
  39 				t = unicode(t, "latin1").encode("utf8")
  40 			# remove quotation signs
  41 			t = re.compile("^( *> *)+", re.M).sub("", t)
  42 			# strip proper signatures...
  43 			t = re.compile("\r?\n-- \r?\n.*$", re.S).sub("", t)
  44 			# repeat linewraps
  45 			t = re.compile("\r?\n").sub("\n\n", t)
  46 			text = text + t
  47 		# ignore HTML content
  48 		elif ct == "text/html":
  49 			pass
  50 		# handle proper attachments
  51 		elif fn:
  52 			print "Attachment of type %s" % (part.get_content_type())
  53 			print "Filename is %s" % fn
  54 			attachments.append( (fn, part.get_payload(decode=True)) )
  55 		else:
  56 			print "Unknown mimetype '%s', no filename" % (mail.get_content_type())
  57 	return subject, text, attachments
  59 # get last ID
  60 nextid = 1
  61 fn = os.path.join(pagesdir, prefix)
  62 r = re.compile( re.escape(fn) + "([0-9]+)(?![0-9])" )
  63 for f in glob.glob( fn + "*" ):
  64 	nums = f )
  65 	num = int(
  66 	if nextid <= num:
  67 		nextid = num + 1
  69 # Load email
  70 mail = email.message_from_file(sys.stdin)
  72 # this is quoteWikinameFS from moinmoin
  73 # with some modifications...
  74 STRIP  = re.compile(r'[\?\\\/\.]+')
  75 UNSAFE = re.compile(r'[^a-zA-Z0-9_]+')
  76 def quoteWikinameFS(wikiname, charset='utf-8'):
  77 	""" Return file system representation of a Unicode WikiName.
  79 	Warning: will raise UnicodeError if wikiname can not be encoded using
  80 	charset. The default value of config.charset, 'utf-8' can encode any
  81 	character.
  83 	@param wikiname: Unicode string possibly containing non-ascii characters
  84 	@param charset: charset to encode string
  85 	@rtype: string
  86 	@return: quoted name, safe for any file system
  87 	"""
  88 	filename = wikiname.replace(' ', '_') # " " -> "_"
  89 	filename = STRIP.sub('', filename)
  91 	quoted = []
  92 	location = 0
  93 	for needle in UNSAFE.finditer(filename):
  94 		# append leading safe stuff
  95 		quoted.append(filename[location:needle.start()])
  96 		location = needle.end()
  97 		# Quote and append unsafe stuff
  98 		quoted.append('(')
  99 		for character in
 100 			quoted.append('%02x' % ord(character))
 101 		quoted.append(')')
 103 	# append rest of string
 104 	quoted.append(filename[location:])
 105 	return ''.join(quoted)
 107 if mail.__class__ is Message.Message:
 108 	(s, t, a) = handle_message(mail)
 109 	#fs = re.compile("[^A-Za-z0-9]").sub("", s)
 110 	fs = prefix + quoteWikinameFS("%06d_%s" % (nextid,s))
 112 	# make the output directory
 113 	os.mkdir(os.path.join(pagesdir, fs ))
 114 	os.mkdir(os.path.join(pagesdir, fs, "revisions" ))
 115 	if a:
 116 		os.mkdir(os.path.join(pagesdir, fs, "attachments" ))
 118 	t = ("= %s =\n" % s) + t
 119 	for pair in a:
 120 		f = file(os.path.join(pagesdir, fs, "attachments", pair[0]), "w")
 121 		f.write(pair[1])
 122 		f.close()
 123 		print pair[0]
 124 		#t = t + "\n\n" + "attachment:%s" % pair[0]
 125 	if a:
 126 		t = t + "\n\n" + "[[AttachList]]"
 128 	# write revision
 129 	file(os.path.join(pagesdir, fs, "current"), "w").write("00000001")
 130 	file(os.path.join(pagesdir, fs, "revisions", "00000001"), "w").write(t)
 131 else:
 132 	raise "Unknown class returned by parser: %s" % (mail.__class__)

Attached Files

To refer to attachments on a page, use attachment:filename, as shown below in the list of files. Do NOT use the URL of the [get] link, since this is subject to change and can break easily.
  • [get | view] (2005-11-10 13:09:44, 3.8 KB) [[]]
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