Attachment ''


   1                     tiptext = '<br>'.join(titletext)
   2                     maketip_js.append("maketip('%s','%s','%s');" % (tipname, tiptitle, tiptext))
   3                     onmouse = '''onMouseOver="tip('%s')" onMouseOut="untip()"''' % tipname
   5                     # gsg 2005-11-15 - change background colour depending on contents of heading 1
   6                     lowertip = tiptext.lower()
   7                     if lowertip.find('appointment') >= 0:
   8                         r, g, b, u = (255, 200, 200, 1)
   9                     elif lowertip.find('to do') >= 0:
  10                         r, g, b, u = (200, 200, 255, 1)
  11                     else:
  12                         r, g, b, u = (200, 255, 200, 1)

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