Attachment 'error_notice_for_1.0rc4.patch'


   1 --- ../MoinGraphViz-1.0rc4/wiki/data/plugin/parser/MoinGraphViz/	2009-05-22 12:22:34.000000000 +0800
   2 +++ wiki/data/plugin/parser/MoinGraphViz/	2010-10-27 17:10:58.236666657 +0800
   3 @@ -46,6 +46,12 @@
   5  #UID = 'BB962F5E-DB8E-424C-8E4D-D2B53286D6F3'
   7 +class GraphvizRenderError(Exception):
   8 +    pass
   9 +
  10 +class GraphvizSyntaxError(GraphvizRenderError):
  11 +    pass
  12 +
  13  class Parser:
  14      """
  15      MoinMoin GraphViz parser.
  16 @@ -62,14 +68,21 @@
  17          self.renderer = Renderer(tool, targetdir=p.getPagePath('attachments'), encoding=config.charset)
  19      def format(self, formatter):
  20 -        w = self.request.write
  21 -        ##w('<div style="border:3px ridge gray; padding:5px; width:95%; overflow:auto">')
  22 -        s = self.renderer.render(self.raw)
  23 -        fmt = moinVersion >= (1,6) and '{{attachment:%s}}' or 'attachment:%s'
  24 +        append_text = ''
  25 +        try:
  26 +            s = self.renderer.render(self.raw)
  27 +        except GraphvizSyntaxError, e:
  28 +            s = e.imagefilename
  29 +            #eliminate source path in the error message, which annoys users 
  30 +            append_text = "{{{%s}}}" % str(e).replace(e.dotfilename, "")
  31 +        except GraphvizRenderError, e:
  32 +            self.request.write("<strong class=\"error\">GraphViz: </strong><pre>%s</pre>" % e)
  33 +            return
  34 +        fmt = '{{attachment:%s}}' if moinVersion >= (1,6) else 'attachment:%s'
  35 +        fmt += append_text
  36          s = wiki2html(self.request, fmt % os.path.basename(s))
  37 -        if DEBUG: print '[TRACE] attachment URL:', s
  38 -        w(s)
  39 -        ##w('</div>')
  40 +        if DEBUG: print '[TRACE] attachment html:', s
  41 +        self.request.write(s)
  44  def parseArguments(s):
  45 @@ -105,6 +118,7 @@
  46  import sys
  47  import sha
  48  import string
  49 +from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
  51  try: __file = __file__
  52  except NameError: __file = sys.argv[0]
  53 @@ -160,6 +174,7 @@
  54          imagefilename = 'graphviz-%s-%s.%s' % (gname, uid, self.format)
  55          imagefilename = os.path.join(self.targetdir, imagefilename)
  56          ##if DEBUG: print '[TRACE] imagefilename:', imagefilename
  57 +
  58          if not os.path.isfile(imagefilename):
  59              if DEBUG: print '[TRACE] creating graph image:', imagefilename
  60              dotfilename = '%s-%s.%s' % ('graph', uid, 'graphviz.txt')
  61 @@ -167,6 +182,15 @@
  62              fwrite(dotfilename, script)
  63              try:
  64                  renderGraphImage(self.toolpath, self.format, imagefilename, dotfilename)
  65 +            except GraphvizRenderError, e:
  66 +                if os.path.exists(imagefilename):
  67 +                    #imagefilename exists means nothing terriblely happeded,
  68 +                    #just little cases about dot syntax. 
  69 +                    if DEBUG: print "[TRACE] Syntax Error"
  70 +                    e = GraphvizSyntaxError(e)
  71 +                    e.imagefilename = imagefilename
  72 +                    e.dotfilename = dotfilename
  73 +                raise e
  74              finally:
  75                  os.remove(dotfilename)
  76          return imagefilename
  77 @@ -176,20 +200,23 @@
  78          ##return string.Template(script.strip()).safe_substitute(vars(Snippets)) # for syntax $name
  79          v =  vars(Snippets)
  80          s = string.Template(script.strip() % v).safe_substitute(v) # for both syntaxes
  81 +
  82          # the following is a hint from an anonimous user, the purpose of which I do not quite
  83          # understand yet. it should fix a "unicode problem", but it is unclear what the problem
  84          # actually is and how it occurs. I'll take the patch in just in case, in the hope that
  85          # it really fixes something and someone can explain what that something is. -- ZI, 2008-04-20
  86 -        ##return unicode(s).encode(self.encoding) 
  87 -        return s
  88 +        return unicode(s).encode(self.encoding) 
  89 +        #return s
  91      def hashFor(self, content):
  92          return
  94  def graphName(script):
  95      ##m = re.match(r'^(?:\n|\s)*(?:di)?graph\s*(\w*)', script) # allows spaces but no comments at beginning of script
  96 -    m ='^(?:di)?graph\s*(\w*)', script, re.M)
  97 -    assert m, 'Could not derive graph name from graph script. Check the syntax, please!'
  98 +    m ='^(?:di)?graph\s+(\w*)', script, re.M)
  99 +    if m is None:
 100 +        raise GraphvizRenderError( \
 101 +                "Could not derive graph name from graph script. Check the syntax, please!")
 102      return
 104  def renderGraphImage(tool, format, imagefilename, dotfilename):
 105 @@ -220,17 +247,15 @@
 107  def oscmd(cmd):
 108      '''instead of simply calling os.system(cmd)
 109 -    capture stderr and raise os.error if exit code != 0
 110 +    capture stderr and raise GraphvizRenderError if exit code != 0
 111      '''
 112 -    err = 'Unknown OS error'
 113 -    w, r, e = os.popen3(cmd)
 114 -    try:
 115 -        err =
 116 -        out =
 117 -        ##return out, err
 118 -    finally:
 119 -        for f in w, r, e: xc = f.close()
 120 -        if xc: raise os.error, err
 121 +    p = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, shell=True, 
 122 +            bufsize=1024, close_fds=True)
 123 +    stdo, stde = p.communicate()
 124 +
 125 +    if p.returncode != 0:
 126 +        raise GraphvizRenderError("%s\n%s" % (stdo, stde))
 127 +
 129  ######################################################################
 130  ## 

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