Attachment ''


   1 # -*- coding: iso-8859-1 -*-
   2 u"""
   3     MoinMoin - RSSREader macro Version 2.0 Beta
   4                Output an RSS/ATOM Feed
   7     @copyright: 2006 by Ian Wienand <>
   8                 2010 by Marcel Häfner
   9     @license:   Public Doman / GNU GPL
  11     Version:
  12      * 1.0 default Version from Ian Wienand
  13      * 2.0 first version from Marcel Häfner
  15     Examples:
  16     * <<RSSReader("">>
  17     * <<RSSReader("", maxEntries=30, allowHtml=False,includeStyle=True)>>
  19     Description:
  20     <<RSSReader(url, maxEntries, allowHtml, includeStyle>>
  21      * url is the url of the RSS/ATOM feed to read, it's the only MUST field
  22      * maxEntries define how many items the entire feed should display. Default is 30.
  23      * allowHtml is an optional argument if you trust the feed to put the HTML
  24        directly into the page. CAUTION: this could be an attack vector,
  25        although feedparser should strip most "bad" HTML. Default ist False
  26      * includeStyle per default True, so a nice css is added before the maco,
  27        normaly you may say false and but in your own e.g. common.css some style
  28        definition.
  29 """
  31 #do not chache the macro, so you receive updates without clearing the cache of the page
  32 Dependencies = ["time"]
  35 class RSStoWiki:
  36     def __init__(self, macro, url, maxEntries, allowHtml, includeStyle):
  38         #initial stuff for the whole class
  39         import feedparser
  40         self.f = feedparser.parse(url)
  41         self.macro = macro
  42         self.fmt = macro.formatter
  43         self.allowHtml = allowHtml
  44         self.includeStyle = includeStyle
  45         self.maxEntries = maxEntries
  46         self.request = macro.request
  47         self._ = self.request.getText
  48         self.result = []
  50         #check if feed exist or display an error message
  51         if self.f.feed == {}:
  52             self.result.append(self.fmt.div(True, css_class="error rssError") + \
  53                                 self.fmt.icon('info') + \
  54                                 self.fmt.text(" ") + \
  55                                 self.fmt.strong(True) + \
  56                                 self.fmt.text(self._('Unable to retreive feed')) + \
  57                                 self.fmt.strong(False) + \
  58                                 self.fmt.text(' "%s"' % url) + \
  59                                 self.fmt.div(False))
  60             self.valid = False
  61         else:
  62             self.valid = True
  64     #generate content for the main (header) feed
  65     def get_title(self):
  66         if 'title' not in self.f.feed:
  67             return
  68         self.result.append(self.fmt.heading(True, depth=1, css_class="rssTitle") + \
  69                            self.fmt.text(self.f.feed.title) + \
  70                            self.fmt.heading(False, depth=1))
  72     def get_subtitle(self):
  73         if 'subtitle' not in self.f.feed:
  74             return
  75         self.result.append(self.fmt.paragraph(True, css_class="rssSubTitle") + \
  76                            self.fmt.text(self.f.feed.subtitle) + \
  77                            self.fmt.paragraph(False))
  79     def get_description(self):
  80         if 'description' not in self.f.feed:
  81             return
  82         #only desiplay description if its different compare to subtitel, mostly not
  83         if ('subtitle' in self.f.feed) and ('description' in self.f.feed):
  84             if self.f.feed.subtitle == self.f.feed.description:
  85                 return
  86         self.result.append(self.fmt.paragraph(True, css_class="rssDescription") + \
  87                            self.fmt.text(self.f.feed.description) + \
  88                            self.fmt.paragraph(False))
  90     def get_feedlink(self):
  91         if 'link' not in self.f.feed:
  92             return
  93         self.get_link(
  95     #generate content for a single feed item (entries)
  96     def get_entries(self):
  97         entriesCount = 0
  98         for entry in self.f.entries:
  99             # count and check maxEntries
 100             entriesCount = entriesCount + 1
 101             if entriesCount > self.maxEntries:
 102                 break
 103             # start with generating the entry (title, link, update, description, ..)
 104             self.result.append(self.fmt.div(True, css_class="rssEntry"))
 105             if 'title' in entry:
 106                 if 'link' in entry:
 107                     self.get_entry_header(entry.title,
 108                 else:
 109                     self.get_entry_header(entry.title)
 110             if 'updated' in entry:
 111                 self.result.append(self.fmt.paragraph(True, css_class="rssEntryUpdated") + \
 112                                    self.fmt.text(entry.updated) + \
 113                                    self.fmt.paragraph(False))
 114             if 'description' in entry:
 115                 self.get_entry_body(entry.description)
 116             if ('link' in entry) and 'title' not in entry:
 117                 self.get_link(
 118             self.result.append(self.fmt.div(False))
 120     #helper functions
 121     def get_paragraph(self, text):
 122         self.result.append(self.fmt.paragraph(True) + \
 123                            self.fmt.text(text) + \
 124                            self.fmt.paragraph(False))
 126     def get_link(self, link):
 127         self.result.append(self.fmt.url(True, href=link) + \
 128                            self.fmt.text(" ") + \
 129                            self.fmt.icon('www') + \
 130                            self.fmt.text(" " + link) + \
 131                            self.fmt.url(False))
 133     #helper function for the entry / item
 134     def get_entry_header(self, title, link=None):
 135         if link:  # if link exist, make the entry title with a link
 136             self.result.append(self.fmt.paragraph(True, css_class="rssEntryTitle") + \
 137                                self.fmt.url(True, href=link) + \
 138                                self.fmt.text(title) + \
 139                                self.fmt.url(False) + \
 140                                self.fmt.paragraph(False))
 141         else:
 142             self.result.append(self.fmt.paragraph(True, css_class="rssEntryTitle") + \
 143                                self.fmt.text(title) + \
 144                                self.fmt.heading(False))
 146     def get_entry_body(self, body):
 147         self.result.append(self.fmt.paragraph(True, css_class="rssEntryBody"))
 148         if (self.allowHtml):  # check if html is allow, for raw html output
 149             self.result.append(self.fmt.rawHTML(body))
 150         else:
 151             self.result.append(self.fmt.text(body))
 152         self.result.append(self.fmt.paragraph(False))
 154     def get_css(self):
 155         if not self.includeStyle:
 156             return
 157         self.result.append(self.fmt.rawHTML("""
 158 <style type="text/css" media="all">
 159     /* macro RSSReader start*/
 160     div.rssReader .rssHeader {
 161         margin-top: 1em;
 162         margin-bottom: 1em;
 163         border-bottom: 1px dotted gray;
 164     }
 165     div.rssReader .rssSubTitle, div.rssReader .rssDescription {
 166         font-size: bold;
 167     }
 168     div.rssReader div.rssEntries {
 169         margin-top: 1em;
 170         margin-bottom: 1em;
 171         border-bottom: 1px dotted gray;
 172     }
 173     div.rssReader div.rssEntry {
 174         margin-top: 1em;
 175         margin-bottom: 1em;
 176     }
 177     div.rssReader p.rssEntryTitle {
 178         font-size: 1.25em;
 179         font-weight: bold;
 180         margin: 0em;
 181     }
 182     div.rssReader p.rssEntryUpdated {
 183         color: gray;
 184         font-size: 0.75em;
 185         margin: 0em;
 186     }
 187     div.rssReader p.rssEntryBody {
 188         margin: 0em;
 189         padding-top: 1em;
 190     }
 191     /* macro RSSReader end*/
 192 </style>
 193         """))
 195     #output content
 196     def get_output(self):
 197         if self.valid:
 198             #start
 199             self.result.append(self.fmt.div(True, css_class="rssReader"))
 200             self.get_css()
 201             #header
 202             self.result.append(self.fmt.div(True, css_class="rssHeader"))
 203             self.get_title()
 204             self.get_subtitle()
 205             self.get_description()
 206             self.result.append(self.fmt.linebreak(False))
 207             self.get_feedlink()
 208             self.result.append(self.fmt.div(False))
 209             #entries
 210             self.result.append(self.fmt.div(True, css_class="rssEntries"))
 211             self.get_entries()
 212             self.result.append(self.fmt.div(False))
 213             #end
 214             self.result.append(self.fmt.div(False))
 215         return ''.join(self.result)
 218 def macro_RSSReader(macro, feed, maxEntries=30, allowHtml=False, includeStyle=True):
 219     rss = RSStoWiki(macro, feed, maxEntries, allowHtml, includeStyle)
 220     return rss.get_output()

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