
When edition a page in GUI mode, the Insert/Edit image button is disabled at all times. The only way for me to place an image in a page is to do it in the plain text editor.

Vorschau für _MoinMoinBugs_1.9.png

Steps to reproduce

  1. Create a new page and add an image as attachment.
  2. Edit the page with the GUI editor.
  3. Try to insert the image in the text with the Insert/Edit image button


You can see this in any editable page, on either this or my own moinmoin wiki.

Component selection


This wiki, my own wikis (1.9.3 and 1.9.4).

Tested with Browsers:


Use the plain text editor and use wiki markup. For technically inclined users this is no problem, but some users unfortunately still do require a WYSIWYG experience.




MoinMoin: MoinMoinBugs/1.9.4GUIEditorInsertEditImageButtonAlwaysDisabled (last edited 2013-11-26 02:05:57 by 177)