
I've upgraded my 1.8 install to 1.9 My useraccount, the superuser, can nolonger use see the 'switch user' link from its preferences, nor manually craft a ?action=userprefs&sub=suid link to get there.

I am using GivenAuth (Apache mod_sspi)

I can however see the SystemInfo & SystemAdmin pages, so I assume I am a superuser...

Steps to reproduce


Component selection

    def allowed(self):
        return (self.request.user.auth_method in self.request.cfg.auth_can_logout and
               UserPrefBase.allowed(self) and self.request.user.isSuperUser())

The changes were made here...


MoinMoin Version


OS and Version

Windows Server 2003/XP Pro

Python Version


Server Setup


Server Details

Language you are using the wiki in (set in the browser/UserPreferences)



I've changed

    def allowed(self):
        return (self.request.user.auth_method in self.request.cfg.auth_can_logout and
               UserPrefBase.allowed(self) and self.request.user.isSuperUser())

back to

    def allowed(self):
        return UserPrefBase.allowed(self) and self.request.user.isSuperUser()

while testing... and everything works perfectly again. I guess I'd suggest testing this first before implementing it live... incase you can't log out for whatever reason. Oh and not doing this unless its broken in the first place...?


When installed for 1.8, I used show_login = 0 following recommendations from a guide here. That option doesn't seem to be necessary anymore. Neither does changing it allow me to 'logout', or switch user.

I assume that using GivenAuth does the above for me so I'm not going to use that option from now on.

setuidfix.diff please try this patch

Your problem is still not solved. Because for GivenAuth you logout by closing your browser. This does not invalidate the suid session if you haven't closed it yourself. So I think current behaviour is safer until we have the real solution. -- ReimarBauer 2010-03-22 13:22:11



MoinMoin: MoinMoinBugs/1.9SuperUserUnableToSuid (last edited 2010-08-16 15:18:58 by nat-pool-brq-t)