Attachment 'moin1-5-4-1wikiaction.patch'


   1 ---	2006-11-20 18:56:58.000000000 +0100
   2 +++	2006-11-20 21:59:04.000000000 +0100
   3 @@ -522,10 +522,25 @@
   4  def do_edit(pagename, request):
   5      _ = request.getText
   7 -    if not request.user.may.write(pagename):
   8 -        Page(request, pagename).send_page(request,
   9 +      
  10 +    # Check if pagename is an existing page
  11 +    if Page(request, pagename).exists() == True:
  12 +        # User allowed to edit? If not, return with error msg
  13 +        if not request.user.may.write(pagename):
  14 +            Page(request, pagename).send_page(request,
  15              msg = _('You are not allowed to edit this page.'))
  16 -        return
  17 +            return
  18 +        
  19 +    # Page does not exist? Check if pagename does still exist on disc.
  20 +    # If it does, kill it so as to have no acl conflicts when recreating it.
  21 +    elif Page(request, pagename).exists(True) == True:
  22 +        checklist = [0, 1]
  23 +        for use_underlay in checklist:
  24 +            pagedir = Page(request, pagename).getPagePath(use_underlay=use_underlay, check_create=0)
  25 +            if os.path.exists(pagedir):
  26 +                import distutils.dir_util
  27 +                distutils.dir_util.remove_tree(pagedir)
  28 +           
  30      valideditors = ['text', 'gui',]
  31      editor = ''

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