
I have set up the mail function as described in the wiki. When I try to change a page I have subcribed to, or when I try to email me my account information. I get the error, "Unpack list of wrong size". I set up a separate account for the wiki email on my server, and I know that it works because I can send and receive from the email address

Steps to reproduce

  1. A fresh install of the wiki 1.6.3
  2. Set up email function as described
  3. Setup superuser and tried to send account info.


Details traceback of Unpack list of wrong size.htm

The html traceback is somewhat misleading and telling nothing. The text traceback gives better info:

    user, pwd = cfg.mail_login.split()
ValueError: unpack list of wrong size

Thus, you likely have configured mail_login wrong. It should be like:

    mail_login = "joedoe secret"

MoinMoin Version 1.6.3

OS and Version SME Server 73.

Python Version 2.3

Server Setup

Server Details

Language you are using the wiki in (en)





MoinMoin: MoinMoinBugs/UnpackListOfWrongSize (last edited 2008-06-02 23:33:12 by IanMcIntyre)