Attachment 'WordToMoin.bas.txt'


   1 Attribute VB_Name = "Word2Moin"
   2 'Microsoft Word 2000 to MoinMoin converter.
   3 ' by John Whitlock (, 2003
   4 ' This code is ugly, slow, and might not work the way you want it to.
   5 ' It is also public domain, so have fun.
   6 ' Feel free to contact me, but don't expect much help...
   7 '
   8 'To install:
   9 ' Start Word
  10 ' Start Visual Basic Editor (from Tools menu or Alt-F11)
  11 ' Import the module (File -> Import) into the Normal template
  12 '
  13 'To Run:
  14 ' Select Tools -> Macro -> Macros
  15 ' Select Word2Moin
  16 ' Select "Run"
  17 '
  18 'To Cancel: Hit Ctrl-Break
  19 '
  20 'What it does:
  21 ' Converts the Word field "TOC" into a Moin table with inter-document links
  22 ' Converts Word Headings into Moin Headlines 
  23 '  Inserts Anchor() macro and section number, if TOC was found
  24 ' Converts Bold, Italic, Underlined, Superscript, and Subscript to Moin equivalents
  25 ' Converts Lists to Moin lists (does not handle multi-level lists well)
  26 ' Converts Tabs to Moin tables
  27 ' Converts Tables to Moin Tables (does not handle merged and empty cells well)
  28 ' Replaces page breaks with Moin line rules
  29 ' Separates paragraphs with extra line breaks
  30 ' Copies the results to the clipboard
  31 '
  32 'What doesn't work well:
  33 ' Section numbers - sometimes, the algorithm misses a section
  34 ' Multi-level lists - converted to flat lists
  35 ' Letter lists (a, b, c) - converted to numbered lists
  36 ' Empty Table Cells - Sometimes converted, sometimes not
  37 ' Merged Table Cells - No support for cell spanning
  38 ' Character conversion - dashes, left/right quote marks not converted to plain ASCII equivalents
  39 '
  40 'The character conversion issue might keep your page from validating as good HTML.
  41 ' To have Word convert for you, save the page as plain text.
  42 '
  44 Type TOC_Entry
  45     Number As String
  46     Name As String
  47     Found As Boolean
  48 End Type
  50 Enum eFormatType
  51     eftBold
  52     eftItalic
  53     eftUnder
  54     eftSuper
  55     eftSub
  56 End Enum
  58 Type TableCellFormat
  59     FirstCell As Boolean    'Cell is first cell in row
  60     LastCell As Boolean     'Cell is last cell in row
  61     Color As String         'Cell's background color
  62     HorizAlign As String    'L, C, R
  63     VertAlign As String     'T, C, B
  64     RowSpan As Integer      '0 or 1, for now
  65     ColSpan As Integer      '0 or 1, for now
  66 End Type
  68 Option Base 1
  69 Option Explicit
  70 Dim TOC_Entries() As TOC_Entry
  71 Dim IsTOC As Boolean
  73 Sub Word2Moin()
  75     Application.ScreenUpdating = False
  77     'Find the table of contents, if there is one
  78     IsTOC = False
  79     ConvertTableOfContents
  81     'Convert Headings
  82     Call ConvertHeading(wdStyleHeading1, "= ", " =")
  83     Call ConvertHeading(wdStyleHeading2, "== ", " ==")
  84     Call ConvertHeading(wdStyleHeading3, "=== ", " ===")
  85     Call ConvertHeading(wdStyleHeading4, "==== ", " ====")
  86     Call ConvertHeading(wdStyleHeading5, "===== ", " =====")
  88     ConvertFormat eftBold
  89     ConvertFormat eftItalic
  90     ConvertFormat eftUnder
  91     ConvertFormat eftSuper
  92     ConvertFormat eftSub
  94     ConvertLists
  95     ConvertTabs
  96     ConvertTables
  97     ReplacePageBreaks
  98     ExpandLineBreaks
 100 ExitWord2Wiki:
 101     ' Copy to clipboard
 102     ActiveDocument.Content.Copy
 104     Application.ScreenUpdating = True
 105 End Sub
 107 Private Sub ExpandLineBreaks()
 108     Dim para As Paragraph
 109     For Each para In ActiveDocument.Paragraphs
 110         'Debug.Print para.Range.Text
 111         If _
 112            Not Len(para.Range.Text) = 1 And _
 113            InStr(para.Range.Text, "||") = 0 And _
 114            Not (Left(para.Range.Text, 1)) = "=" And _
 115            Not (Left(para.Range.Text, 2)) = "[[" And _
 116            Not (Left(para.Range.Text, 4)) = "----" And _
 117            True Then
 118             'Debug.Print para.Range.Text
 119             para.Range.InsertAfter vbCr
 120         End If
 121     Next para
 122 End Sub
 124 Private Sub ConvertTableOfContents()
 125     With ActiveDocument
 126         If .Fields.Count >= 1 Then
 127             Dim C As Integer
 128             Dim Max As Integer
 130             'Search Fields for a Table Of Contents
 131             For C = 1 To .Fields.Count
 132                 'If we find a Table of Contents, process it
 133                 If InStr(LTrim(.Fields(C).Code), "TOC") = 1 Then
 134                     .Fields(C).Update
 136                     Dim TOC As String
 137                     Dim Entry As String
 138                     Dim LastPos As Long
 139                     Dim Pos As Long
 140                     Dim FirstTime As Boolean
 142                     TOC = .Fields(C).Result
 144                     'Get each entry in the table, insert into array
 145                     LastPos = 1
 146                     Pos = InStr(TOC, vbCr)
 147                     FirstTime = True
 148                     Do While (Pos > 0)
 149                         Dim F1 As Long
 150                         Dim F2 As Long
 151                         Dim EntryNum As Long
 153                         Entry = Trim(Mid(TOC, LastPos, Pos - LastPos))
 154                         Entry = Replace(Entry, "^l", "")
 156                         If (Len(Entry) > 0) Then
 157                             If (FirstTime) Then
 158                                 EntryNum = 1
 159                                 ReDim TOC_Entries(1)
 160                                 FirstTime = False
 161                             Else
 162                                 EntryNum = UBound(TOC_Entries) + 1
 163                                 ReDim Preserve TOC_Entries(EntryNum)
 164                             End If
 166                             F1 = InStr(Entry, vbTab)
 168                             If (F1 > 0) Then
 169                                 F2 = InStr(F1 + 1, Entry, vbTab)
 170                                 If (F2 = 0) Then
 171                                     'Handle Appendix sections'
 172                                     F1 = InStr(Entry, "-")
 173                                     F2 = InStr(F1 + 1, Entry, vbTab)
 174                                     If (F2 = 0) Then
 175                                         F1 = InStr(Entry, "  ")
 176                                         F2 = InStr(F1 + 1, Entry, vbTab)
 177                                     End If
 179                                     If (F1 = 0) Then
 180                                         'Give up on finding a number
 181                                         F1 = InStr(1, Entry, vbTab)
 182                                         TOC_Entries(EntryNum).Number = ""
 183                                         TOC_Entries(EntryNum).Name = Left(Entry, F1)
 184                                     Else
 185                                         TOC_Entries(EntryNum).Number = Replace(Mid(Entry, 1, F1 - 1), " ", "")
 186                                         TOC_Entries(EntryNum).Name = Mid(Entry, F1 + 1, F2 - F1 - 1)
 187                                     End If
 188                                 Else
 189                                     TOC_Entries(EntryNum).Number = Trim(Mid(Entry, 1, F1 - 2))
 190                                     TOC_Entries(EntryNum).Name = Mid(Entry, F1 + 1, F2 - F1 - 1)
 191                                 End If
 192                             End If
 194                             'Check for null entries
 195                             If (Len(TOC_Entries(EntryNum).Number) = 0 And _
 196                                (Len(TOC_Entries(EntryNum).Name) = 0)) Then
 197                                 ReDim Preserve TOC_Entries(EntryNum - 1)
 198                             Else
 199                                 TOC_Entries(EntryNum).Found = False
 200                             End If
 202                         End If
 203                         LastPos = Pos + 1
 204                         Pos = InStr(LastPos, TOC, vbCr)
 205                     Loop
 207                     .Fields(C).Select
 209                     'Delete Word version, insert MoinMoin version
 210                     With Selection
 211                         .Delete
 212                         .InsertAfter ("'''Table Of Contents'''" & vbCr & vbCr)
 214                         For Pos = 1 To UBound(TOC_Entries)
 215                         'Create a table, with a slight indent for entries that are not top-level
 216                             .InsertAfter ("||")
 217                             If (Len(TOC_Entries(Pos).Number) = 1) Then
 218                                 .InsertAfter ("||<(>")
 219                             Else
 220                                 .InsertAfter (" ||")
 221                             End If
 222                             .InsertAfter ("'''" & TOC_Entries(Pos).Number & "'''||" & _
 223                                 "[#s" & TOC_Entries(Pos).Number & " " & TOC_Entries(Pos).Name & "]||" & vbCr)
 224                         Next
 225                     End With
 227                     'Stop looking for Table Of Contents
 228                     IsTOC = True
 229                     Exit For
 230                 End If
 231             Next
 232         End If
 233     End With
 234 End Sub
 236 Private Sub ConvertHeading(headingStyle As Long, Optional preString As String = "", Optional postString As String = "")
 237     Dim normalStyle As Style
 238     Set normalStyle = ActiveDocument.Styles(wdStyleNormal)
 240     ActiveDocument.Select
 242     With Selection.find
 244         .ClearFormatting
 245         .Style = ActiveDocument.Styles(headingStyle)
 246         .Text = ""
 248         .format = True
 249         .MatchCase = False
 250         .MatchWholeWord = False
 251         .MatchWildcards = False
 252         .MatchSoundsLike = False
 253         .MatchAllWordForms = False
 255         .Forward = True
 256         .Wrap = wdFindContinue
 258         Do While .Execute
 259             With Selection
 260                 Dim Heading As String
 262                 Heading = .Text
 263                 .Style = normalStyle
 264                 .Collapse
 265                 .MoveEndUntil vbCr
 266                 .Delete
 268                 'Eliminate any manual form feeds
 269                 Heading = Replace(Heading, vbFormFeed, "")
 271                 'Replace any newlines with spaces
 272                 Heading = Replace(Heading, vbCr, " ")
 274                 'Removed leading / training spaces
 275                 Heading = Trim(Heading)
 277                 'Search the TOC entries for this section, insert bookmark etc.
 278                 If (IsTOC) Then
 279                     Dim E As Long
 280                     For E = 1 To UBound(TOC_Entries)
 281                         If (Not TOC_Entries(E).Found) Then
 282                             If (StrComp(Heading, TOC_Entries(E).Name) = 0) Then
 283                                 .InsertBefore "[[Anchor(s" & TOC_Entries(E).Number & ")]]" & vbCr
 284                                 Heading = TOC_Entries(E).Number & " " & Heading
 285                                 TOC_Entries(E).Found = True
 286                                 Exit For
 287                             End If
 288                         End If
 289                     Next E
 290                 End If
 292                 'Print the Heading
 293                 .InsertAfter preString & Heading & postString
 294             End With
 295         Loop
 296     End With
 297 End Sub
 299 Private Sub ReplacePageBreaks()
 301     Selection.find.ClearFormatting
 302     Selection.find.Replacement.ClearFormatting
 303     With Selection.find
 304         .Text = "^m"
 305         .Replacement.Text = "----" & vbCr
 306         .Forward = True
 307         .Wrap = wdFindContinue
 308         .format = False
 309         .MatchCase = False
 310         .MatchWholeWord = False
 311         .MatchWildcards = False
 312         .MatchSoundsLike = False
 313         .MatchAllWordForms = False
 314     End With
 315     Selection.find.Execute Replace:=wdReplaceAll
 317     Selection.find.ClearFormatting
 318     Selection.find.Replacement.ClearFormatting
 319     With Selection.find
 320         .Text = "^b"
 321         .Replacement.Text = "----" & vbCr
 322         .Forward = True
 323         .Wrap = wdFindContinue
 324         .format = False
 325         .MatchCase = False
 326         .MatchWholeWord = False
 327         .MatchWildcards = False
 328         .MatchSoundsLike = False
 329         .MatchAllWordForms = False
 330     End With
 331     Selection.find.Execute Replace:=wdReplaceAll
 333 End Sub
 335 Private Sub ConvertFormat(format As eFormatType)
 336     ActiveDocument.Select
 337     With Selection.find
 338         Dim pre As String
 339         Dim post As String
 341         .ClearFormatting
 342         Select Case format
 343             Case eftBold:
 344                 .Font.Bold = True
 345                 pre = "'''"
 346                 post = "'''"
 347             Case eftItalic:
 348                 .Font.Italic = True
 349                 pre = "''"
 350                 post = "''"
 351             Case eftUnder:
 352                 .Font.Underline = wdUnderlineSingle
 353                 pre = "__"
 354                 post = "__"
 355             Case eftSuper:
 356                 .Font.Superscript = True
 357                 pre = "^"
 358                 post = "^"
 359             Case eftSub:
 360                 .Font.Subscript = True
 361                 pre = ",,"
 362                 post = ",,"
 363         End Select
 365         .Text = ""
 367         .format = True
 368         .MatchCase = False
 369         .MatchWholeWord = False
 370         .MatchWildcards = False
 371         .MatchSoundsLike = False
 372         .MatchAllWordForms = False
 374         .Forward = True
 375         .Wrap = wdFindContinue
 377         Do While .Execute
 378             With Selection
 379                 If InStr(1, .Text, vbCr) Then
 380                     ' Just process the chunk before any newline characters
 381                     ' We'll pick-up the rest with the next search
 382                     .Collapse
 383                     .MoveEndUntil vbCr
 384                 End If
 386                 ' Don't bother to markup whitespace (prevents a loop, as well)
 387                 If (.Text = vbCr Or .Text = " " Or .Text = "") Then
 388                     .MoveRight
 389                 Else
 390                     .InsertBefore pre
 391                     .InsertAfter post
 392                 End If
 394                 Select Case format
 395                     Case eftBold:       .Font.Bold = False
 396                     Case eftItalic:     .Font.Italic = False
 397                     Case eftUnder:      .Font.Underline = wdUnderlineNone
 398                     Case eftSuper:      .Font.Superscript = False
 399                     Case eftSub:        .Font.Subscript = False
 400                 End Select
 401             End With
 402         Loop
 403     End With
 406 End Sub
 408 Private Function OutlineLevelToNumber(level As WdOutlineLevel) As Integer
 409     Select Case level
 410     Case wdOutlineLevel1: OutlineLevelToNumber = 2
 411     Case wdOutlineLevel2: OutlineLevelToNumber = 3
 412     Case wdOutlineLevel3: OutlineLevelToNumber = 4
 413     Case wdOutlineLevel4: OutlineLevelToNumber = 5
 414     Case wdOutlineLevel5: OutlineLevelToNumber = 6
 415     Case wdOutlineLevel6: OutlineLevelToNumber = 7
 416     Case wdOutlineLevel7: OutlineLevelToNumber = 8
 417     Case wdOutlineLevel8: OutlineLevelToNumber = 9
 418     Case wdOutlineLevel9: OutlineLevelToNumber = 10
 419     Case Else: OutlineLevelToNumber = 1
 420     End Select
 421 End Function
 423 'Does not handle nested lists
 424 Private Sub ConvertLists()
 425     Dim para As Paragraph
 426     For Each para In ActiveDocument.ListParagraphs
 427         With para.Range
 428             If .ListFormat.ListType = wdListBullet Then
 429                 '.InsertBefore String(OutlineLevelToNumber(para.OutlineLevel), " ") & "* "
 430                 .InsertBefore " * "
 431             Else
 432                 '.InsertBefore String(OutlineLevelToNumber(para.OutlineLevel), " ") & "1. "
 433                 .InsertBefore " 1. "
 434             End If
 436             .ListFormat.RemoveNumbers
 437         End With
 438     Next para
 439 End Sub
 441 Private Function ColorToWiki(Color As Long) As String
 442     Dim raw As String
 443     raw = Hex(Color)
 445     If (raw = "FF000000") Then
 446         'Plain White
 447         ColorToWiki = "FFFFFF"
 448         Exit Function
 449     End If
 451     'Trim down long ones
 452     If (Len(raw) > 6) Then raw = Right(raw, 6)
 454     'Lengthen short ones
 455     Do While (Len(raw) < 6)
 456         raw = "0" & raw
 457     Loop
 459     'Swap Order
 460     Dim C2W As String
 461     C2W = Mid(raw, 5, 2) & Mid(raw, 3, 2) & Mid(raw, 1, 2)
 463     ColorToWiki = C2W
 464 End Function
 466 Private Sub ConvertTabs()
 467     Dim para As Paragraph
 468     For Each para In ActiveDocument.Paragraphs
 469         If (InStr(1, para.Range.Text, vbTab)) Then
 470             para.Range.InsertBefore "||"
 471             para.Range.Select
 472             Selection.Collapse
 473             Selection.MoveEndUntil vbCr
 474             Selection.InsertAfter "||"
 475         End If
 476     Next para
 477 End Sub
 479 'This method doesn't handle merged cells at all
 480 'It will convert all tabs to ||, though
 481 Private Sub ConvertTables()
 482     Dim thisTable As table
 483     For Each thisTable In ActiveDocument.Tables
 484         'Determine how many rows and columns there are
 485         Dim tableRow, tableCol As Long
 486         Dim tableMaxRow, tableMaxCol As Long
 487         thisTable.Select
 488         tableMaxRow = Selection.Information(wdMaximumNumberOfRows)
 489         tableMaxCol = Selection.Information(wdMaximumNumberOfColumns)
 491         'Create format arrays for mapping
 492         Dim tableFormats() As TableCellFormat
 493         ReDim tableFormats(tableMaxRow, tableMaxCol)
 494         Dim R, C As Long
 495         For R = 1 To tableMaxRow
 496             For C = 1 To tableMaxCol
 497                 tableFormats(R, C).FirstCell = False
 498                 tableFormats(R, C).LastCell = False
 499                 tableFormats(R, C).Color = "FFFFFF"
 500                 tableFormats(R, C).HorizAlign = "C"
 501                 tableFormats(R, C).VertAlign = "C"
 502                 tableFormats(R, C).RowSpan = 0
 503                 tableFormats(R, C).ColSpan = 0
 504             Next C
 505         Next R
 507         ''Check format of each cell
 508         thisTable.Select
 509         Dim thisCell As Cell
 510         For Each thisCell In thisTable.Range.Cells
 511             With thisCell
 512                 C = .ColumnIndex
 513                 R = .RowIndex
 514                 If (C = 1) Then tableFormats(R, C).FirstCell = True
 515                 If .Range.Information(wdMaximumNumberOfColumns) = C Then tableFormats(R, C).LastCell = True
 516                 'Information(wdAtEndOfRowMarker) Then tableFormats(R, C).LastCell = True
 517                 tableFormats(R, C).Color = ColorToWiki(.Range.Shading.BackgroundPatternColor)
 518                 If .Range.Paragraphs(1).Alignment = wdAlignParagraphLeft Then tableFormats(R, C).HorizAlign = "L"
 519                 If .Range.Paragraphs(1).Alignment = wdAlignParagraphRight Then tableFormats(R, C).HorizAlign = "R"
 520                 If .VerticalAlignment = wdCellAlignVerticalTop Then tableFormats(R, C).VertAlign = "T"
 521                 If .VerticalAlignment = wdCellAlignVerticalBottom Then tableFormats(R, C).VertAlign = "B"
 522                 'For now, I can't think of a way of making this accurate
 523                 tableFormats(R, C).RowSpan = 1
 524                 tableFormats(R, C).ColSpan = 1
 525             End With
 526         Next thisCell
 528         'You may be asking why this is a seperate step.  It's a good question.
 529         'It's mostly because determining the RowSpan and ColSpan might require a seperate step
 530         For Each thisCell In thisTable.Range.Cells
 531             If (Len(thisCell.Range.Text) > 2) Then
 532                 With thisCell
 533                     'Convert cell contents
 534                     Dim rawText As String
 535                     Dim endText As String
 536                     'Toss out the carriage return
 537                     rawText = Left(.Range.Text, Len(.Range.Text) - 2)
 538                     endText = Right(.Range.Text, 1)
 539                     Dim newText As String
 540                     newText = ""
 541                     newText = Replace(rawText, vbCr, "[[BR]]")
 542                     'If (InStr(1, rawText, vbCr)) Then
 543                     '    Do While (Len(rawText) > 0)
 544                     '        Select Case Left(rawText, 1)
 545                     '        Case vbCr: newText = newText & "[[BR]]"
 546                     '        'Case vbLf: newText = newText & "[[BR]]"
 547                     '        Case Else: newText = newText & Left(rawText, 1)
 548                     '        End Select
 549                     '        rawText = Mid(rawText, 2)
 550                     '    Loop
 551                     'Else
 552                     '    newText = rawText
 553                     'End If
 554                     newText = newText & endText
 556                     C = .ColumnIndex
 557                     R = .RowIndex
 558                     Dim format As String
 559                     Dim formatStarted As Boolean
 560                     format = ""
 561                     formatStarted = False
 562                     If tableFormats(R, C).FirstCell Then format = format & "||"
 564                     If tableFormats(R, C).ColSpan = 1 Then
 565                         If tableFormats(R, C).HorizAlign <> "L" Then
 566                             If (Not formatStarted) Then
 567                                 formatStarted = True
 568                                 format = format & "<"
 569                             End If
 570                             If tableFormats(R, C).HorizAlign = "C" Then
 571                                 format = format & ":"
 572                             Else
 573                                 format = format & ")"
 574                             End If
 575                         End If
 576                     Else
 577                         If tableFormats(R, C).HorizAlign <> "C" Then
 578                             If (Not formatStarted) Then
 579                                 formatStarted = True
 580                                 format = format & "<"
 581                             End If
 582                             If tableFormats(R, C).HorizAlign = "L" Then
 583                                 format = format & "("
 584                             Else
 585                                 format = format & ")"
 586                             End If
 587                         End If
 588                     End If
 590                     If tableFormats(R, C).VertAlign <> "C" Then
 591                         If (Not formatStarted) Then
 592                             formatStarted = True
 593                             format = format & "<"
 594                         End If
 595                         If tableFormats(R, C).VertAlign = "T" Then
 596                             format = format & "^"
 597                         Else
 598                             format = format & "v"
 599                         End If
 600                     End If
 602                     'Row Span - always 1, no action
 603                     'Col Span - always 1, no action
 605                     'Color must be last
 606                     If tableFormats(R, C).Color <> "FFFFFF" Then
 607                         If (Not formatStarted) Then
 608                             formatStarted = True
 609                             format = format & "<"
 610                         End If
 611                         format = format & "#" & tableFormats(R, C).Color
 612                     End If
 614                     If (formatStarted) Then format = format & ">"
 616                     .Range.Text = format & newText
 618                     If (tableFormats(R, C).LastCell) Then
 619                         .Range.InsertAfter "||"
 620                     End If
 621                 End With
 622             End If
 623         Next thisCell
 625         'Exit Sub
 627         'Convert the table to text, convert tabs to "||"
 628         Dim aRange As Range
 629         Set aRange = thisTable.ConvertToText(wdSeparateByTabs)
 630         aRange.Select
 631         With Selection.find
 632             .ClearFormatting
 633             .Replacement.ClearFormatting
 634             .Text = "^t"
 635             .Replacement.Text = " ||"
 636             .Forward = True
 637             .Wrap = wdFindContinue
 638             .format = False
 639             .MatchCase = False
 640             .MatchWholeWord = False
 641             .MatchWildcards = False
 642             .MatchSoundsLike = False
 643             .MatchAllWordForms = False
 644             .Execute Replace:=wdReplaceAll
 645         End With
 647     Next thisTable
 648 End Sub

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