Attachment ''


   1 # -*- coding: iso-8859-1 -*-
   2 """
   3     MoinMoin - Slideshow action
   5     Usage - Allows treatment of a wiki page as a set of slides.  Displays a
   6             single slide at a time, along with a navigation aid.
   8             A slide show page looks like this:
  10                 general introduction or comments
  11                 = Slide 1 title =
  12                 Slide 1 contents
  13                 = Slide 2 title =
  14                 Slide 2 contents
  15                 ...
  16                 = Final slide title =
  17                 Final slide contents
  19             The slideshow action takes a parameter 'slidenumber', which is
  20             the (1-based) number of the slide to display.  The display uses
  21             the large screen 'projection' media.
  23             This action adds two sets of navigation aids for the slides:
  24             1) some javascript, so that mouse clicks or space bar move to the
  25                next page
  26             2) a navigation footer, similar to the [[Navigation]] macro
  28     History
  29     1.0 2005-03-25 First version
  30     1.1 2005-03-30 Revised thanks to some comments from NirSoffer.
  31                    Parse H1 tags instead of using the [[Slide]] macro.
  32                    Improve navigation.
  34     @copyright: 2005 Jim Clark
  35     @license: GNU GPL, see COPYING for details.
  36 """
  38 import re
  39 from MoinMoin import config, wikiutil
  40 from MoinMoin.Page import Page
  41 from MoinMoin.parser.text_moin_wiki import Parser
  42 from MoinMoin.formatter.text_html import Formatter
  44 header_re = r"^(?P<heading>\s*(?P<hmarker>=)\s(?P<htext>.*)\s(?P=hmarker))$"
  46 class slideshow:
  47     script_template = """
  48 <script type="text/javascript"><!--
  49 function firstSlide() {window.location="%s"}
  50 function prevSlide() {window.location="%s"}
  51 function nextSlide() {window.location="%s"}
  52 function lastSlide() {window.location="%s"}
  53 function handleKey(e) {
  54     var key;
  55     if (e == null) {key = event.keyCode} //IE
  56     else {if (e.altKey || e.ctrlKey) {return true} key = e.which} // Mozilla
  57     switch(key) {
  58         case 49: firstSlide(); break //'1'
  59         case 32: nextSlide(); break  //space
  60         case 60: prevSlide(); break  //'<'
  61         case 62: nextSlide(); break  //'>'
  62         default:
  63     }
  64 }
  65 document.onkeypress = handleKey
  66 //-->
  67 </script>"""
  69     def __init__(self, pagename, request):
  70         self.pagename = pagename
  71         try:
  72             self.slidenumber = int(request.form.get('slidenumber', [1])[0])
  73         except ValueError:
  74             self.slidenumber = 1
  75         request.formatter = Formatter(request)
  76 = Page(request, pagename)
  77 =
  78         self.request = request
  79 =
  80         self.formatter = self.request.formatter
  81         self.body =
  82         self._parseslides()
  84     def _parseslides(self):
  85         """ Parse slide content from the base page.  slideinfo is a tuple
  86         of (title, startcharacter, endcharacter) representing each slide.
  87         The slides are separated by H1 markers.
  88         """
  89         self.slideinfo = []
  90         title = ""
  91         h_pattern = re.compile(header_re, re.MULTILINE)
  92         laststart = 0
  93         for match in h_pattern.finditer(self.body):
  94             if laststart:
  95                 self.slideinfo.append((title, laststart, match.start()))
  96             title ='htext').strip()
  97             laststart = match.start()
  98         if laststart:
  99             self.slideinfo.append((title, laststart, len(self.body)))
 102     def slideurl(self, slidenumber):
 103         """ Return a url for a link to another slide based on this page
 104         """
 105         return "%s/%s?action=Slideshow&slidenumber=%d" % \
 106                (self.request.getScriptname(), self.pagename, slidenumber)
 108     def navigationscript(self):
 109         """ Return a section of javascript for capturing mouse button and
 110         keyboard events and using for slide navigation.
 111         """
 112         urls = (self.slideurl(1),
 113                 self.slideurl(self.slidenumber - 1),
 114                 self.slideurl(self.slidenumber + 1),
 115                 self.slideurl(len(self.slideinfo) - 1))
 116         return (self.script_template % urls)
 119     def _makeslidelink(self, i, text=None):
 120         """ Return a URL link to slide number 'i'.  The url title will be the
 121         slide number and the title attribute will be the slide title.
 122         """
 123         if text == None:
 124             text = str(i)
 125         if i == self.slidenumber:
 126             return text
 127         else:
 128             return, text=text, \
 129                          querystr='action=Slideshow&slidenumber=%d' % i, \
 130                          attrs='title="%s"' % self.slideinfo[i-1][0])
 132     def navigationtable(self):
 133         """ Return an HTML table for navigating between slides
 134         """
 136         # setup a start and end range around the current slide - up to 20
 137         # slides will be displayed
 138         slidestart = 1
 139         slideend = len(self.slideinfo)
 140         if slideend > 20:
 141             if self.slidenumber > 10:
 142                 slideend = min(self.slidenumber + 10, slideend)
 143                 slidestart = slideend - 19           
 144             else:
 145                 slideend = 20
 147         # Links to the parent page, and the first and previous slides
 148         items = []
 149         items.append(, text='^',
 150                      attrs='title="Stop Slideshow"'))
 151         items.append(self._makeslidelink(1, '|<'))
 152         items.append(self._makeslidelink(max(self.slidenumber - 1, 1), '<<'))
 154         # Numbered slide links
 155         for i in range(slidestart, slideend + 1):
 156             items.append(self._makeslidelink(i))
 158         # Links to the next and last slides
 159         items.append(self._makeslidelink(min(self.slidenumber + 1,
 160                                              len(self.slideinfo)), '>>'))
 161         items.append(self._makeslidelink(len(self.slideinfo), '>|'))
 163         return self.formatter.table(1, {'tableclass': 'navigation'}) + \
 164                self.formatter.table_row(1) + \
 165                self.formatter.table_cell(1) + \
 166                "  ".join(items) + \
 167                self.formatter.table_cell(0) + \
 168                self.formatter.table_row(0) + \
 169                self.formatter.table(0)
 171     def render(self):
 172         """ Render a slide from a page """
 173         request = self.request
 175         # Non-existant slide requested.
 176         if self.slidenumber < 0 or self.slidenumber > len(self.slideinfo):
 177             # request.emit_http_headers()
 178   'End of slides') 
 179             return
 181         # request.emit_http_headers()
 182         request.setContentLanguage(request.lang)
 184         # Send the header in 'projection' mode - for large print and no headings
 185         # Q. Would it be better to use the slide title instead of the overall
 186         # page title?
 187         request.theme.send_title(,
 188                                  print_mode=1, media='projection')
 190         # Extract the requested slide, and write it as a page in its own right,
 191         # along with the navigation aids
 192         request.write(self.navigationscript())
 193         request.write(request.formatter.startContent("content"))
 194         title, start, end = self.slideinfo[self.slidenumber - 1]
 195         parser = Parser(self.body[start:end], request)
 196         parser.format(request.formatter)
 197         request.write(self.navigationtable())
 198         request.write(request.formatter.endContent())
 199         request.theme.send_footer(self.pagename, print_mode=1)
 201 def execute(pagename, request):
 202     slideshow(pagename, request).render()

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  • [get | view] (2004-10-20 05:28:16, 72.8 KB) [[attachment:alum.jpg]]
  • [get | view] (2005-04-14 19:56:30, 68.2 KB) [[attachment:farm.tbz]]
  • [get | view] (2005-05-28 17:05:11, 31.2 KB) [[attachment:me-with-naomi.jpg]]
  • [get | view] (2005-04-14 19:55:22, 8.6 KB) [[attachment:multiconfig.patch]]
  • [get | view] (2005-01-16 05:36:39, 41.4 KB) [[attachment:page-state.patch]]
  • [get | view] (2004-12-28 02:41:46, 36.7 KB) [[attachment:plugin.patch]]
  • [get | view] (2004-10-21 18:49:52, 22.1 KB) [[]]
  • [get | view] (2005-04-18 07:20:14, 1.4 KB) [[attachment:wiki_icons.png]]
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