Attachment ''


   1 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
   2 """
   3     MoinMoin - Abbreviation Parser
   5     This extension of the standard Moin wiki parser is mainly written for
   6     AccessibleMoin since it is one criteria for accessible sites, that abbrevations
   7     or acronyms should be marked with the <abbr title=.. lang=..> markup.
   9     Since the <acronym> tag won't be probably part of future (X)HTML standards and
  10     since Moin patches the missing <abbr> support of Internet Explorer, only <abbr>
  11     is used in AccessibleMoin to mark acronyms and abbreviations.
  13     Syntax:
  14         ^WAI^
  15         Marks the word WAI as an abbreviation and tries to retrieve the explanation from
  16         the standard abbreviation definitions page "AbbrDict" or the page specified
  17         with "#pragma abbreviation-definitions PageName" in the header of the page.
  19         ^WAI|OtherPage^
  20         Marks the word WAI as an abbreviation and tries to retrieve the explanation from
  21         the specified page "OtherPage". You can use this to overwrite the default settings
  22         like "AbbrDict" or "#pragma abbreviation-definitions PageName"        
  24         ^WAI:Web Accessibility Initiative^
  25         Marks the word WAI as an abbreviation and uses the given explanation.
  27         ^WAI|language=de^
  28         ^WAI|OtherPage|language=de^
  29         ^WAI:Web Accessibility Initiative|language=de^
  30         Marks the word WAI as an foreign language abbreviation (compared to the language
  31         default of the wiki and the page)
  33     Please note:
  34     * The explanation pages for abbreviations must be in WikiDict format, like
  35       " WAI:: Web Accessibility Initiative" (don't forget the space at the beginning!)
  36     * If the abbreviation is in an other language than the default page language, please
  37       mark this with "|language=LanguageShortcut"
  38     * Don't forget the caching mechanism of Moin: To get a page updated with a changed
  39       abbreviation explanation (e.g. from AbbrDict) you have to delete the cache of the page
  40       or reedit the page again.
  41     * For correct display of abbreviations also in IE please put this line in your screen.css
  42       "abbr[title] {border-bottom: 1px dotted; cursor: help}"
  44     Abbreviation Parser heavily based on AcronymParser by Johannes Berg
  46     MoinMoin - Abbreviation Parser
  47     @copyright: 2007 by Oliver Siemoneit
  48     @license: GNU GPL, see COPYING for details.
  49 """
  52 from MoinMoin.parser import text_moin_wiki as wiki
  53 from MoinMoin.wikidicts import Dict
  54 from MoinMoin import wikiutil
  55 import re
  57 #Dependencies = ['pages']
  59 class Parser(wiki.Parser):
  60     def __init__(self, raw, request, **kw):
  61         self.formatting_rules = ur"(?P<abbr>\^[^\^]*\^)"+"\n" + self.formatting_rules
  62         wiki.Parser.__init__(self, raw, request, **kw)
  63         self.abbr_dict = Dict(request, "AbbrDict")
  65     def _abbr_repl(self, word):
  66         dictpage = self.request.getPragma('abbreviation-definitions')
  67         word = word[1:-1]
  68         word = word.strip()
  69         key = word
  70         exp = ''
  71         tmp = word.split('|', 1)
  72         if len(tmp) == 2:
  73             key = tmp[0]
  74             dictpage = tmp[1]
  75         else:
  76             tmp = word.split(':', 1)
  77             if len(tmp) == 2:
  78                 key = tmp[0]
  79                 exp = tmp[1]
  81         lang = ''
  82         tmp = word.rsplit('|', 1)
  83         if (len(tmp) == 2) and (tmp[1].startswith('language=')):
  84             lang = ' lang=%s' % tmp[1].split('=', 1)[1]
  86         # Explanation directly given?
  87         if exp:
  88             try:
  89                 html = '<abbr title="%(exp)s"%(lang)s>%(word)s</abbr>' % {
  90                     'exp': wikiutil.escape(exp),
  91                     'lang': lang,
  92                     'word': wikiutil.escape(key) }
  93                 return self.request.formatter.rawHTML(html)
  94             except:
  95                 return self.request.formatter.escapedText(key)
  97         if not self.abbr_dict.has_key(key):
  98             return self.request.formatter.escapedText(key)
  99         else:
 100             try:
 101                 html = '<abbr title="%(exp)s"%(lang)s>%(word)s</abbr>' % {
 102                     'exp': wikiutil.escape(self.abbr_dict[key].replace('"','&quot;')),
 103                     'lang': lang,
 104                     'word': wikiutil.escape(key) }
 105                 return self.request.formatter.rawHTML(html)
 106             except:
 107                 return self.request.formatter.escapedText(key)

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