Attachment ''
Download 1 #! env python2.3
2 # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
4 """
5 EditedSystemPages - list system pages that has been edited in this wiki.
7 @copyright: 2004 Nir Soffer <>
8 @license: GNU GPL, see COPYING for details.
9 """
11 import os.path, sys, shutil, urllib
13 from MoinMoin import wikiutil
14 from MoinMoin.wikiutil import unquoteWikiname
15 from MoinMoin.Page import Page
16 from MoinMoin.request import RequestCLI
17 from migutil import opj, listdir, move_file
19 wikipath = '.'
20 sys.path.append(wikipath);
22 dir_from = 'data'
23 dir_to = 'underlay.backup'
25 os.mkdir(dir_to)
27 def renderInPage(request):
28 """
29 """
30 # Get page list for current user (use this as admin), filter
31 # pages that are both underlay and standard pages.
32 pages = request.rootpage.getPageList()
33 print "f"
34 for name in pages:
35 print ":" + name
36 pages = [name for name in pages
37 if pages[name].isStandardPage(includeDeleted=0) and
38 pages[name].isUnderlayPage(includeDeleted=0) or 1]
40 # Format as numberd list, sorted by page name
41 pages.sort()
42 for name in pages:
43 print name ,
44 return ''
46 def check_page(page):
47 """
48 """
49 if page.isUnderlayPage(includeDeleted=0) and page.isStandardPage(includeDeleted=0):
50 rev_count = len(page.getRevList())
51 if (rev_count > 1):
52 print page.page_name.encode('utf-8') + ": ",
53 if page.isUnderlayPage(includeDeleted=0):
54 print "U",
55 if page.isStandardPage(includeDeleted=0):
56 print "S",
57 print "revs: ", rev_count,
58 print
59 # skip those pages
60 safe = 0
61 else:
62 # page has only one revision and is both a standard and underlay page
63 safe = 1
64 else:
65 # don't remove non-underlay or underlay-only pages
66 safe = 0
67 return safe
69 #request = RequestCLI('FrontPage')
70 print "pages with more than one revision, skipped:"
71 request = RequestCLI('FrontPage')
73 for fname in listdir(dir_from + "/pages"):
74 page = Page(request, unquoteWikiname(fname))
75 if check_page(page):
76 move_file(dir_from + "/pages/" + fname, dir_to + "/" + fname)
78 #renderInPage(request)
Attached Files
To refer to attachments on a page, use attachment:filename, as shown below in the list of files. Do NOT use the URL of the [get] link, since this is subject to change and can break easily.You are not allowed to attach a file to this page.