
{de} Sauberes Verlinken
{en} Clean linking
{fr} Connexité idione

{de} Arbeitssprache: en
{en} Working-language: en

Clean linking makes it possible for any kind of links on any kind of wiki to:

Recommendations on how to use clean links in order to unify wikilandia:

(click here to see how the links get done)

Internal clean linking:

External clean linking using the URL of a page:

This page here exists on several other wiki running different engines to show how easy it could be. We first make clean links to each of these pages using the pages URL and then using near-links. You'll recognize almost no diffence between them unless you look at the page in edit-mode.

now the same using near-links:

Another option to create a multiple language link, the Link macro: when you create a link using [[Link(EnglishPage)]], the link will point to the localized EnglishPage for the current user. If you access the page, you will get a link to the GermanPage, while I will get a link to the HebrewPage.

MoinMoin: CleanLinking (last edited 2024-08-20 18:02:49 by UlrichB)