Force MimeType
Short description
For transclusion of attachments using unknown mimetypes we should have the possibility to force a mimetype for rendering.
e.g. example.cgi
Configuration Options for MimeTypes
While I was playing around with the MacroMarket/ShowCSV I wanted to switch to the new inline attachment syntax for my csv files. But unfortunately it wasn't working....
Error Message:
Current configuration does not allow embedding of the file auslastung.csv because of its mimetype application/octet-stream.: auslastung.csv"
An attachment with an unknown/missed/wrong MimeType can't be transclude/inline/embed on a wikipages, even it's only a text-file (in my case the text/csv csv was missed in /etc/mime.types).
Sure you can...
- add this to your local mime.types (if you have access rights)
add this missed MimeType manual to under MIMETYPES_MORE (need to manually redo if you're updating moinmoin)
But... much better would be the possible to do this (setting a mimetype for a file extension) in a config file (e.g. in wikiconfig/farmconfig or similar like InterWikiMap). The benefit would be also, that you are not depend on some local MimeType config (where you maybe have no access rights e.g. Hosting on a ISP).
For some mimetypes default sizes e.h. height, width for pdf files to be rendered in pages also configurable from such a page would be nice.