Attachment 'package.patch'


   1 --- moin-1.6.orig/MoinMoin/script/export/	1970-01-01 02:00:00.000000000 +0200
   2 +++ moin-1.6/MoinMoin/script/export/	2007-12-09 13:06:10.000000000 +0200
   3 @@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
   4 +# -*- coding: iso-8859-1 -*-
   5 +"""
   6 +    MoinMoin - Create a MoinMoin package from wiki pages specified.
   7 +
   8 +    You must run this script as owner of the wiki files, usually this is the
   9 +    web server user.
  10 +
  11 +    @copyright: 2002-2004 Juergen Hermann <>,
  12 +                2005-2006 MoinMoin:ThomasWaldmann,
  13 +                2007 Federico Lorenzi
  14 +    @license: GNU GPL, see COPYING for details.
  15 +
  16 +"""
  17 +
  18 +import codecs, errno, os, re, shutil, sys, time
  19 +
  20 +from MoinMoin import config, wikiutil, Page, user
  21 +from MoinMoin import script
  22 +
  23 +
  24 +class PluginScript(script.MoinScript):
  25 +    """ Create package class """
  26 +
  27 +    def __init__(self, argv=None, def_values=None):
  28 +        script.MoinScript.__init__(self, argv, def_values)
  29 +        self.parser.add_option(
  30 +            "-p", "--pages", dest="pages",
  31 +            help="List of pages to package. Can be regular expressions, comma seperated lists, or a lone * for everything."
  32 +        )
  33 +        self.parser.add_option(
  34 +            "-o", "--output", dest="output",
  35 +            help="Output file for the package."
  36 +        )
  37 +        self.parser.add_option(
  38 +            "-s", "--search", dest="search",
  39 +            help="Search string to match."
  40 +        )
  41 +        
  42 +        self.parser.add_option(
  43 +            "-u", "--user", dest="package_user",
  44 +            help="User as whom the package operation will be performed as. "
  45 +            )
  46 +
  47 +    def mainloop(self):
  48 +        """ moin-package's main code. """
  49 +        
  50 +        # Initalize request
  51 +        self.init_request()
  52 +        request = self.request
  53 +        _ = self.request.getText
  54 +        
  55 +        # Check our command line args
  56 +        if self.options.pages and
  57 +            script.fatal(_("Options --pages and --search are mutually exclusive!"))
  58 +        elif not self.options.output:
  59 +            script.fatal(_("You must specify an output file!"))
  60 +        elif not self.options.pages and not
  61 +            script.log(_("No pages specified using --pages or --search, assuming full package."))
  62 +
  63 +        # Sanity checks
  64 +        if os.path.exists(self.options.output):
  65 +            script.fatal(_("Output file already exists! Cowardly refusing to continue!"))
  66 +        
  67 +        # Check for user
  68 +        if self.options.package_user:
  69 +            request.user = user.User(request, name=self.options.package_user)
  70 +        
  71 +        # Import PackagePages here, as we now have an initalized request.
  72 +        from MoinMoin.action.PackagePages import PackagePages
  73 +        
  74 +        # Perform actual packaging.
  75 +        package = PackagePages(request.rootpage.page_name, request)
  76 +        packageoutput = open(self.options.output, "wb")
  77 +        if
  78 +            packagedata = package.collectpackage(package.searchpackage(request,
  79 +                                                             , packageoutput)
  80 +        elif self.options.pages:
  81 +                packagedata = package.collectpackage(self.options.pages.split(","), packageoutput)
  82 +        else:
  83 +                packagedata = package.collectpackage(request.rootpage.getPageList(
  84 +                                include_underlay=False, 
  85 +                                filter=lambda name: not wikiutil.isSystemPage(request, name)), 
  86 +                                packageoutput)
  87 +        if packagedata:
  88 +            script.fatal(packagedata)
  89 --- moin-1.6.orig/MoinMoin/action/	2007-12-01 02:09:09.000000000 +0200
  90 +++ moin-1.6/MoinMoin/action/	2007-12-09 12:48:33.000000000 +0200
  91 @@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
  92  from MoinMoin.packages import MOIN_PACKAGE_FILE, packLine, unpackLine
  93  from MoinMoin.action import AttachFile
  94  from MoinMoin.action.AttachFile import _get_files
  95 +from import searchPages
  97  class ActionError(Exception):
  98      pass
  99 @@ -60,10 +61,9 @@
 100              return[0])
 102      def package(self):
 103 -        """ Packages pages. """
 104 +        """ Calls collectpackage() with the arguments specified. """
 105          _ = self.request.getText
 106          form = self.request.form
 107 -        COMPRESSION_LEVEL = zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED
 109          # Get new name from form and normalize.
 110          pagelist = form.get('pagelist', [u''])[0]
 111 @@ -72,17 +72,6 @@
 112          if not form.get('submit', [None])[0]:
 113              raise ActionError(self.makeform())
 115 -        pages = []
 116 -        for pagename in unpackLine(pagelist, ","):
 117 -            pagename = self.request.normalizePagename(pagename)
 118 -            if pagename:
 119 -                page = Page(self.request, pagename)
 120 -                if page.exists() and
 121 -                    pages.append(page)
 122 -        if not pages:
 123 -            raise ActionError(self.makeform(_('No pages like "%s"!', formatted=False) % wikiutil.escape(pagelist)))
 124 -
 125 -        pagelist = ', '.join([getattr(page, "page_name") for page in  pages])
 126          target = wikiutil.taintfilename(packagename)
 128          if not target:
 129 @@ -95,35 +84,14 @@
 130              raise ActionError(_("Attachment '%(target)s' (remote name '%(filename)s') already exists.", formatted=False) % {
 131                  'target': wikiutil.escape(target), 'filename': wikiutil.escape(target)})
 133 -        zf = zipfile.ZipFile(fpath, "w", COMPRESSION_LEVEL)
 134 -
 135 -        cnt = 0
 136 -        script = [packLine(['MoinMoinPackage', '1']),
 137 -                  ]
 138 -
 139 -        for page in pages:
 140 -            cnt += 1
 141 -            files = _get_files(self.request, page.page_name)
 142 -            script.append(packLine(["AddRevision", str(cnt), page.page_name, user.getUserIdentification(self.request), "Created by the PackagePages action."]))
 143 -
 144 -            timestamp = wikiutil.version2timestamp(page.mtime_usecs())
 145 -            zi = zipfile.ZipInfo(filename=str(cnt), date_time=datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp).timetuple()[:6])
 146 -            zi.compress_type = COMPRESSION_LEVEL
 147 -            zf.writestr(zi, page.get_raw_body().encode("utf-8"))
 148 -            for attname in files:
 149 -                if attname != packagename:
 150 -                    cnt += 1
 151 -                    zipname = "%d_attachment" % cnt
 152 -                    script.append(packLine(["AddAttachment", zipname, attname, page.page_name, user.getUserIdentification(self.request), "Created by the PackagePages action."]))
 153 -                    filename = AttachFile.getFilename(self.request, page.page_name, attname)
 154 -                    zf.write(filename.encode("cp437"), zipname)
 155 -        script += [packLine(['Print', 'Thank you for using PackagePages!'])]
 156 -
 157 -        zf.writestr(MOIN_PACKAGE_FILE, u"\n".join(script).encode("utf-8"))
 158 -        zf.close()
 159 -
 160 +        # Generate a package
 161 +        output = open(fpath, "wb")
 162 +        package = self.collectpackage(unpackLine(pagelist, ","), output, target)
 163 +        
 164 +        if package:
 165 +            raise ActionError(self.makeform(package))
 166 +        
 167          _addLogEntry(self.request, 'ATTNEW', self.pagename, target)
 168 -
 169          raise ActionError(_("Created the package %s containing the pages %s.", formatted=False) % (wikiutil.escape(target), wikiutil.escape(pagelist)))
 171      def makeform(self, error=""):
 172 @@ -174,6 +142,77 @@
 174          return Dialog(self.request, content=form)
 176 +    def searchpackage(self, request, searchkey):
 177 +        """ Search MoinMoin for the string specified and return a list of
 178 +        matching pages, provided they are not system pages and not
 179 +        present in the underlay.
 180 +        
 181 +        @param request: current request
 182 +        @param searchkey: string to search for
 183 +        @rtype: list
 184 +        @return: list of pages matching searchkey
 185 +        """
 186 +
 187 +        pagelist = searchPages(request, searchkey)
 188 +        
 189 +        titles = []
 190 +        for title in pagelist.hits:
 191 +            if not wikiutil.isSystemPage(request, title.page_name) or not[0]:
 192 +                titles.append(title.page_name)
 193 +        return titles
 194 +
 195 +    def collectpackage(self, pagelist, fileobject, pkgname=""):
 196 +        """ Expects a list of pages as an argument, and fileobject to be an open
 197 +        file object, which a zipfile will get written to.
 198 +        
 199 +        @param pagelist: pages to package
 200 +        @param fileobject: open file object to write to
 201 +        @param pkgname: optional file name, to prevent self packaging
 202 +        @rtype: string or None
 203 +        @return: error message, if one happened
 204 +        """
 205 +        _ = self.request.getText
 206 +        form = self.request.form
 207 +        COMPRESSION_LEVEL = zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED
 208 +
 209 +        pages = []
 210 +        for pagename in pagelist:
 211 +            pagename = self.request.normalizePagename(pagename)
 212 +            if pagename:
 213 +                page = Page(self.request, pagename)
 214 +                if page.exists() and
 215 +                    pages.append(page)
 216 +        if not pages:
 217 +            return (_('No pages like "%s"!', formatted=False) % wikiutil.escape(pagelist))
 218 +
 219 +        # Set zipfile output
 220 +        zf = zipfile.ZipFile(fileobject, "w", COMPRESSION_LEVEL)
 221 +
 222 +        cnt = 0
 223 +        userid = user.getUserIdentification(self.request)
 224 +        script = [packLine(['MoinMoinPackage', '1']), ]
 225 +
 226 +        for page in pages:
 227 +            cnt += 1
 228 +            files = _get_files(self.request, page.page_name)
 229 +            script.append(packLine(["AddRevision", str(cnt), page.page_name, userid, "Created by the PackagePages action."]))
 230 +
 231 +            timestamp = wikiutil.version2timestamp(page.mtime_usecs())
 232 +            zi = zipfile.ZipInfo(filename=str(cnt), date_time=datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp).timetuple()[:6])
 233 +            zi.compress_type = COMPRESSION_LEVEL
 234 +            zf.writestr(zi, page.get_raw_body().encode("utf-8"))
 235 +            for attname in files:
 236 +                if attname != pkgname:
 237 +                    cnt += 1
 238 +                    zipname = "%d_attachment" % cnt
 239 +                    script.append(packLine(["AddAttachment", zipname, attname, page.page_name, userid, "Created by the PackagePages action."]))
 240 +                    filename = AttachFile.getFilename(self.request, page.page_name, attname)
 241 +                    zf.write(filename.encode("cp437"), zipname)
 242 +        script += [packLine(['Print', 'Thank you for using PackagePages!'])]
 243 +
 244 +        zf.writestr(MOIN_PACKAGE_FILE, u"\n".join(script).encode("utf-8"))
 245 +        zf.close()
 246 +
 247  def execute(pagename, request):
 248      """ Glue code for actions """
 249      PackagePages(pagename, request).render()

Attached Files

To refer to attachments on a page, use attachment:filename, as shown below in the list of files. Do NOT use the URL of the [get] link, since this is subject to change and can break easily.
  • [get | view] (2007-12-04 21:39:37, 4.2 KB) [[attachment:cache.test1.6.patch]]
  • [get | view] (2007-12-04 21:38:47, 2.7 KB) [[attachment:cache1.6.patch]]
  • [get | view] (2007-12-04 21:38:57, 2.7 KB) [[attachment:cache1.7.patch]]
  • [get | view] (2007-12-30 21:22:29, 23.1 KB) [[attachment:documentation.patch]]
  • [get | view] (2007-12-11 21:27:01, 10.5 KB) [[attachment:package.patch]]
  • [get | view] (2007-12-11 21:26:48, 3.5 KB) [[attachment:packagetest.patch]]
  • [get | view] (2007-12-04 21:39:22, 3.1 KB) [[attachment:quicklink.patch]]
  • [get | view] (2008-01-29 16:42:22, 171.8 KB) [[attachment:screenschot.png]]
  • [get | view] (2007-12-04 21:42:03, 3.8 KB) [[attachment:subscribe.patch]]
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