Attachment ''


   1 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
   2 """
   3     MoinMoin - CheckList
   5     Creates an HTML checkbox as well as the HTML heading at the level you specify
   6     so that you can use the wiki as a checklist for repeated tasks such as
   7     OS installs, inventory checks, training etc.
   9     CheckList utilizes the HTML5 localstorage feature for stateful storage
  10     without the need for external data storage. Therefore, you must use a 
  11     browser that supports HTML5 which includes: ie8+, firefox 3.5+, safari 4.0+, 
  12     chrome 4.0+, opera 10.5+, iphone 2.0+, android 2.0+. The drawback is that
  13     you must use the same browser for your checklist, but that is kindof the 
  14     point of this Macro.
  16     Usage:
  17         <<CheckList(id_for_checkbox, heading_level_number, heading_text_and_heading_id)>>
  18         <<CheckList(js=True)>> (REQUIRED)
  19         <<CheckList(clear_button=True)>> (Optional but nice)
  22         see @params list below for more info
  23         Do Not use == Text == for headings. This macro creates headings for you.
  24         Different than the ToDo parser (
  25         This creates a javascript src link to the Google CDN for jquery. 
  26         If this bothers you, let me know and I can rewrite some things.
  27         Fully works with the <<TableOfContents>> macro.
  29     @copyright: 2011 Gregory Corey <>
  30     @license: GNU GPL, see COPYING for details.
  31 """
  32 from MoinMoin import wikiutil
  33 from MoinMoin.parser.text_moin_wiki import Parser as WikiParser
  35 generates_headings = True
  37 def macro_CheckList(macro, dom_id=None, heading=2, text=None, js=None, clear_button=None):
  38     """
  39     @param dom_id: The id you want for your checkbox.
  40     @param heading: The Number level of the heading you are creating 2 == h2 etc
  41     @param text: The text of the heading and is used to make the id of the 
  42     heading and is used if you use the TableOfContents macro
  43     @param js: Leave all params blank except for js=True to create the necessary 
  44     javascript for this macro. Should be at the top of your page.
  45     @param clear_button: Leave all params blank except for clear_button=True to 
  46     create a button to clear all Checklist items. Should be at the top of your page.
  47    """
  48     ret = []
  49     if js:
  50         return emit_js()
  52     if clear_button:
  53         return emit_button()
  55     f = macro.request.formatter
  56     # Escape HTML stuff.
  57     text_h = wikiutil.escape(text)
  58     text_h = text_h.strip()
  59     text_id = wikiutil.escape(text)
  60     text_id = text_id.replace(' ', '_')
  61     text_id = text_id.strip()
  63     ret.extend([f.heading(1,heading,id=text_id)])
  64     ret.extend([f.rawHTML("<input type='checkbox' class='checklist' name='name_%s' id='id_%s'><label for='id_%s'>" % (dom_id, dom_id, dom_id))])
  65     ret.extend([f.text(text_h)])
  66     ret.extend([f.rawHTML("</label>")])
  67     ret.extend([f.heading(0,heading)])
  69     return ''.join(ret)
  71 def emit_js():
  72     js = """
  73 <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
  74 <script type="text/javascript">
  75 $(document).ready(function(){
  76 function supports_html5_storage() {
  77   try {
  78     return 'localStorage' in window && window['localStorage'] !== null;
  79   } catch (e) {
  80   	alert(e);
  81     return false;
  82   }
  83 }
  84 if(localStorage.getItem('save')){
  85 	$(".checklist").each(function(e){
  86 		var this_id = $(this).attr("id");
  87 	    var check_val = localStorage.getItem(this_id);
  88 	    switch(check_val){
  89 	    	case "true":
  90 	    		check_val = true;
  91 	    		break;
  92 	    	case "false":
  93 	    		check_val = false;
  94 	    		break;
  95 	    }
  96 	    $("#"+this_id).attr("checked", check_val);
  97 	    if(check_val==true){
  98 	    	$("#"+this_id).parent().css({'text-decoration':'line-through'});
  99 	    }
 100 	});
 101 }
 102 	$(".checklist").change(function(){
 103 		var this_id = $(this).attr("id");
 104 		var this_val = $(this).attr("checked");
 105 		localStorage.setItem('save', true);
 106 		localStorage.setItem(this_id, this_val);
 107 		if(this_val==true){
 108 			$(this).parent().css({'text-decoration':'line-through'});
 109 		}
 110 		else{
 111 			$(this).parent().css({'text-decoration':'none'});
 112 		}
 113 	});
 115 	$("#clearall").click(function(){
 116 		$(".checklist").each(function(){
 117 			var this_id = $(this).attr("id");
 118 			$(this).attr("checked", false).parent().css({'text-decoration':'none'});
 119 			localStorage.setItem(this_id, false);
 120 		});
 121 	});
 122 });
 123 </script>
 124     """
 125     return js
 127 def emit_button():
 128     button = """
 129     <input type="button" id="clearall" name="clearall" value="Clear All Checklist items" />
 130     """
 131     return button

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