Attachment ''


   1 # -*- coding: iso-8859-1 -*-
   2 """
   3 MoinMoin - creates a dict page from an existing table
   5 @copyright: 2009 MoinMoin:ReimarBauer
   6 @license: GNU GPL, see COPYING for details.
   7 """
   8 from MoinMoin import user, wikiutil
   9 from MoinMoin.Page import Page
  10 from MoinMoin.PageEditor import PageEditor
  11 from MoinMoin.script import MoinScript
  13 class PluginScript(MoinScript):
  14     """\
  15 Purpose:
  16 ========
  17 This tool allows you to create subpages having definition lists from a given table
  18 in wiki markup. The first column entry is used for the subpage name while the first
  19 line is used to get the keys.
  22 Detailed Instructions:
  23 ======================
  24 General syntax: moin [options] account create [create-options]
  26 [options] usually should be:
  27     --config-dir=/path/to/my/cfg/
  29 1. Use, the --file argument could be added to the above examples,
  30 causing the script to respect ACLs.
  31 1. Use a base --base_page argument for the page name
  32 """
  34     def __init__(self, argv, def_values):
  35         MoinScript.__init__(self, argv, def_values)
  37         self.parser.add_option(
  38             "-u", "--user", dest="homepage_creater",
  39             help="User as whom the homepage creation operation will be performed as. "
  40             )
  42         self.parser.add_option(
  43             "-b", "--base_page", dest="base_pagename",
  44             help="the base page of the subpages "
  45             )
  47         self.parser.add_option(
  48             "-f", "--file", dest="input_file",
  49             help="filename to proceed on"
  50             )
  52     def mainloop(self):
  53         # we don't expect non-option arguments
  54         self.init_request()
  55         request = self.request
  56         # Check for user
  57                 # Check for user
  58         if self.options.homepage_creater:
  59             request.user = user.User(request, name=self.options.homepage_creater)
  61         filename = self.options.input_file
  62         base_page_name = self.options.base_pagename or u'Example'
  64         if not filename:
  65             print "Please provide the filename -f"
  66             return
  67         raw = open(filename, 'r').readlines()
  69         keys = (raw[0]).split('||')[1:-1]
  70         for line in raw[1:]:
  71             text = []
  72             if line.startswith('||'):
  73                 row = line.split('||')[1:-1]
  74                 idx = 0
  75                 for key in keys:
  76                     text.append(' %s:: %s' % (key.strip(), (row[idx]).strip()))
  77                     idx += 1
  78                 text = '\n'.join(text)
  80                 pagename = '%s/%s' % (base_page_name, (row[0]).strip())
  81                 print pagename
  82                 page = PageEditor(request, pagename)
  83                 if not request.user.disabled and not Page(request, pagename).exists():
  84                     try:
  85                         page._write_file(text, action='SAVE')
  86                         print "INFO page for %s created." % pagename
  87                     except page.Unchanged:
  88                             print "You did not change the page content, not saved!"
  89                 else:
  90                     print "INFO page for %s already exists." % pagename

Attached Files

To refer to attachments on a page, use attachment:filename, as shown below in the list of files. Do NOT use the URL of the [get] link, since this is subject to change and can break easily.
  • [get | view] (2009-08-12 03:20:27, 6.9 KB) [[]]
  • [get | view] (2009-08-12 03:30:30, 7.7 KB) [[]]
  • [get | view] (2009-02-11 07:33:36, 56.0 KB) [[attachment:problem_iex.jpg]]
  • [get | view] (2009-02-04 17:41:12, 3.0 KB) [[]]
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