Attachment ''


   1 """
   2     MoinMoin - ISBN Macro (link to Amazon, B&N, etc)
   4     Usage: [[ISBN(isbn[,...])]]
   6     @copyright: 2006 by Clif Kussmaul <>
   7     @license:   GNU GPL, see COPYING for details
   8 """
  10 # dictionary of keys and urls that use ISBN
  11 _isbn_links = { 'Amazon':'' ,
  12                    'B&N':''}
  14 def execute(macro, args):
  15     f = macro.formatter
  16     result = ''
  17     if args:
  18         args = [arg.strip() for arg in args.split(',')] 
  19     else:
  20         args = []
  21     if 0 == len(args):
  22         result += f.strong(1) + \
  23                   f.text('Example: [[ISBN(1234567890, ...)]]') + \
  24                   f.strong(0) + \
  25                   f.text(' - links to Amazon, B&N, etc')
  26     else:
  27         for arg in args:
  28             for key in _isbn_links.keys():
  29                 result += f.text('(') + \
  30                           f.url(1, _isbn_links[key] % arg) + \
  31                           f.text(key) + \
  32                           f.url(0)    + \
  33                           f.text(')')
  35     return result

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