Attachment 'infobox.js'
Download 1 //
2 // Bubblehelp infoboxes, (C) 2002 Klaus Knopper <>
3 // You can copy/modify and distribute this code under the conditions
4 // of the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 2.
5 //
6 var IWIDTH=350 // Tip box width
7 var ie4 // Are we using Internet Explorer Version 4?
8 var ie5 // Are we using Internet Explorer Version 5 and up?
9 var kon // Are we using KDE Konqueror?
10 var x,y,winW,winH // Current help position and main window size
11 var idiv=null // Pointer to infodiv container
13 function nsfix(){setTimeout("window.onresize = rebrowse", 2000);}
15 function rebrowse(){window.location.reload();}
17 function hascss(){ return gettip('infodiv')?true:false }
19 function infoinit(){
20 ie4=(document.all)?true:false;
21 ie5=((ie4)&&((navigator.userAgent.indexOf('MSIE 5')>0)||(navigator.userAgent.indexOf('MSIE 6')>0)))?true:false;
22 kon=(navigator.userAgent.indexOf('konqueror')>0)?true:false;
23 x=0;y=0;winW=800;winH=600;
24 idiv=null;
25 document.onmousemove = mousemove;
26 // Workaround for just another netscape bug: Fix browser confusion on resize
27 // obviously conqueror has a similar problem :-(
28 if(kon){ nsfix() }
29 }
31 function untip(){
32 if(idiv) idiv.visibility="hidden";
33 idiv=null;
34 }
36 function gettip(name){return (document.layers&&document.layers[name])?document.layers[name]:(document.all&&document.all[name]&&document.all[name].style)?document.all[name].style:document[name]?document[name]:(document.getElementById(name)?document.getElementById(name).style:0);}
38 // Prepare tip boxes, but don't show them yet
39 function maketip(){
40 text='<div id="'+arguments[0]+'" name="'+arguments[0]+'" style="position:absolute; visibility:hidden; z-index:20; top:-999em; left:0px;"><table width='+IWIDTH+' class="tip">';
41 for (i=1;i<arguments.length;i=i+2)
42 {
43 text = text + '<tr><th class="tip">'+arguments[i]+'</th></tr><tr><td class="tip">'+arguments[i+1]+'</td></tr>';
44 }
45 text=text + '</table></div>\n';
46 if(hascss()) document.write(text);
47 }
49 function tip(name){
50 if(hascss()){
51 if(idiv) untip();
52 idiv=gettip(name);
53 if(idiv){
54 winW=(window.innerWidth)? window.innerWidth+window.pageXOffset-16:document.body.offsetWidth-20;
55 winH=(window.innerHeight)?window.innerHeight+window.pageYOffset :document.body.offsetHeight;
56 if(x<=0||y<=0){ // konqueror can't get mouse position
57 x=(winW-IWIDTH)/2+(window.pageXOffset?window.pageXOffset:0); y=(winH-50)/2+(window.pageYOffset?window.pageYOffset:0); // middle of window
58 }
59 showtip();
60 }
61 }
62 }
64 function showtip(){
65 idiv.left=(((x+IWIDTH+10)<winW)?x+12:x-IWIDTH-5)+"px";<winH)?y+12:y-90)+"px";
66 idiv.visibility="visible";
67 // window.status="idiv="+idiv+"X:"+(idiv.left?idiv.left:"NAN")+", Y:"+("NAN")+", x:"+x+", y:"+y;
68 }
70 function mousemove(e){
71 if(e) {x=e.pageX?e.pageX:e.clientX?e.clientX:0; y=e.pageY?e.pageY:e.clientY?e.clientY:0;}
72 else if(event) {x=event.clientX; y=event.clientY;}
73 else {x=0; y=0;}
74 if((ie4||ie5) && document.documentElement) // Workaround for scroll offset of IE
75 {
76 x+=document.documentElement.scrollLeft;
77 y+=document.documentElement.scrollTop;
78 }
79 if(idiv) showtip();
80 }
82 // Initialize after loading the page
83 addLoadEvent(infoinit)
85 // EOF infobox.js
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