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   1 """
   2     This macro displays a rating
   3     <<MyRating()>>
   4     <<MyRating(2)>>
   5     <<MyRating(2,5)>>
   6     <<MyRating(6,10)>>
   7     <<MyRating(6,10,<!>)
   8     <<MyRating(6,10,X-(,:-))
   9 """
  11 from MoinMoin import wikiutil
  12 from MoinMoin.parser.text_moin_wiki import Parser as WikiParser
  14 def macro_MyRating(macro,rating=0,scale=5,empty=u'{o}',full=u'{*}'):
  16     f = macro.formatter
  17     _ = macro.request.getText
  19     text = ( full + ' ' ) * rating
  20     text += ( empty + ' ' ) * ( scale - rating)
  21     text = wikiutil.renderText(macro.request, WikiParser, text)
  22     #text = text.strip()
  24     return text

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