Attachment ''
Download 1 # -*- coding: iso-8859-1 -*-
2 """
3 MoinMoin - Show Ames
5 This macro is used to show correct data submission of ames files
6 using a table showing some info of the file.
8 comment: developed in 1.7, not ported to the macro parser yet, because
9 compatibility to 1.5.8 / 1.6 is wanted.
11 dependency: needs the nappy package from
14 @copyright: 2007 MoinMoin:ReimarBauer
15 @license: GNU GPL, see COPYING for details.
16 """
18 Dependencies = ['time'] # do not cache
20 import nappy, os
21 from MoinMoin import wikiutil
22 from MoinMoin.action import AttachFile
23 from MoinMoin.util.dataset import TupleDataset, Column
24 from MoinMoin.widget.browser import DataBrowserWidget
27 def execute(macro, args):
28 request = macro.request
29 formatter = macro.formatter
30 _ = request.getText
32 if args is None:
33 extension = '.nas'
34 else:
35 extension = args
37 COLUMNS = 1
39 # initialize colums of output table
40 data = TupleDataset()
41 data.columns = []
42 for dummy in range(COLUMNS):
43 data.columns.extend([
44 Column('file', label='file'),
45 Column('date', label='date'),
46 Column('short name', label='short name', align='center'),
47 Column('unit', label='unit', align='center'),
48 Column('first - last data val', label='first - last data val', align='center'),
49 Column('', label='')
50 ])
51 # last column should be hidden
52 data.columns[-1].hidden = 1
53 pagename =
54 files = AttachFile._get_files(request, pagename)
55 attach_dir = AttachFile.getAttachDir(request, pagename)
56 for file in files:
57 result = []
58 tmp_date = []
59 tmp_short_name = []
60 tmp_units = []
61 tmp_first_last_data = []
62 if file.lower().endswith(extension.lower()):
63 # trying to open the ames file
64 try:
65 myfile = nappy.openNAFile(os.path.join(attach_dir, file))
66 except:
67 # Iam not sure if someone other as a python programmer
68 # helps reading the traceback to find the failure
69 # in the file
70 result.append("<p>%s<br>%s</p>" % (wikiutil.escape(file), "ames file header is not correct"))
71 for i in range(5): result.append('ERR')
72 data.addRow(tuple(result))
73 continue
75 # trying to read the data of the ames file
76 try:
77 myfile.readData()
78 except:
79 result.append("<p>%s<br>%s</p>" % (wikiutil.escape(file), "is not of proper format"))
80 for i in range(5): result.append('ERR')
81 data.addRow(tuple(result))
82 continue
84 url = AttachFile.getAttachUrl(pagename, file, request, escaped=1)
85 link = "%s%s%s" % (formatter.url(1, url),
86 formatter.text(file),
87 formatter.url(0))
89 result.append(link)
90 # getting the dict of ames file
91 myfile.getNADict()
92 # read the date key
93 y, m, d = myfile.naDict["DATE"]
94 tmp_date.append("%d-%d-%d" % (y, m, d))
95 # get the independent var
96 independent_var = myfile.getIndependentVariables()
97 tmp_short_name.append(independent_var[0][0])
98 if independent_var[0][1]:
99 tmp_units.append(independent_var[0][1])
100 else:
101 tmp_units.append('')
102 # get start and end value of independent parameter
103 start = myfile.naDict["X"][0]
104 endof = myfile.naDict["X"][-1]
105 tmp_first_last_data.append("%d - %d" % (start, endof))
106 # get the dependent var's
107 dependent_var = myfile.getVariables()
108 n_dependent = len(dependent_var)
109 i = 0
110 while i < n_dependent:
111 tmp_short_name.append(dependent_var[i][0])
112 tmp_units.append(dependent_var[i][1])
113 # get start and end value of dependent parameters
114 start = myfile.naDict["V"][i][0]
115 endof = myfile.naDict["V"][i][-1]
116 tmp_first_last_data.append("%d - %d" % (start, endof))
117 i += 1
118 # fill the table
119 result.append(formatter.linebreak(0).join(tmp_date))
120 result.append(formatter.linebreak(0).join(tmp_short_name))
121 result.append(formatter.linebreak(0).join(tmp_units))
122 result.append(formatter.linebreak(0).join(tmp_first_last_data))
123 data.addRow(tuple(result))
124 if not data:
125 return '<p>extension: %s: %s</p>' % (extension, _("No attachments stored for %(pagename)s") % {'pagename': wikiutil.escape(pagename)})
126 browser = DataBrowserWidget(request)
127 browser.setData(data)
128 return browser.toHTML()
Attached Files
To refer to attachments on a page, use attachment:filename, as shown below in the list of files. Do NOT use the URL of the [get] link, since this is subject to change and can break easily.You are not allowed to attach a file to this page.